Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Serambi adalah penerbit buku-buku untuk konsumsi umum. Kami mencari buku-buku yang bersemangat inklusif, cerdas, berwawasan luas, profesional, berbudaya, humanis, dan religius. Kami menghindari penerbitan naskah yang mendorong semangat fanatik sempit, picik, antirefleksi, dan antipembelajaran (lihat juga visi dan misi Serambi di http://www.serambi.co.id/modules.php?name=About)
I. Naskah Fiksi
Lini Gita Cerita Utama (GCU) menerbitkan karya fiksi dari dalam maupun luar negeri.
Gita Cerita Utama - Fiksi Dunia: Potret Seribu Warna Kehidupan Manusia
Berbeda dengan penerbit-penerbit lain yang kebanyakan hanya mengimpor buku-buku berbahasa Inggris, lini Serambi GCU Fiksi Dunia mempersembahkan karya-karya fiksi terbaik dari berbagai negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia.
Digarap dengan serius dan bertanggung jawab, serta sebisa mungkin diterjemahkan dari bahasa aslinya, novel-novel ini membuat Anda mengintip kehidupan di berbagai komunitas dengan cita rasa budaya yang tak terbayangkan sebelumnya—dari Turki sampai Australia, dari Libanon sampai Jerman. Pembaca akan larut dalam rumitnya problema manusia di mana pun berada, uniknya kebiasaan-kebiasaan di berbagai tempat, namun menyadari adanya benang yang menghubungkan kita semua.
Dengan kalimat-kalimat yang indah, orisinil, dan bebas klise, pembaca akan tergugah seolah ia belum pernah digugah—dan mungkin saja, bisa lahir dalam dirinya, sebuah pemikiran atau perasaan yang sama sekali baru. Dengan menyadari pentingnya seni penulisan bagi kehidupan manusia, kami pun berdedikasi untuk menyuguhkan karya-karya yang melapangkan hati dan mendorong pembaca untuk merenungkan ulang makna dunia, keberadaan, dan arti dari menjadi manusia.
Di sublini ini, kami telah menerbitkan Namaku Merah Kirmizi oleh Orhan Pamuk (Turki), Cinta oleh Toni Morrison (A.S.), Samarkand oleh Amin Maalouf (Libanon), Ali dan Nino oleh Kurban Said (Jerman), The Things They Carried oleh Tim O’Brien (A.S.), A Father’s Affair oleh Karel Glastra van Loon (Belanda), The True History of the Kelly Gang oleh Peter Carey (Australia), dan masih banyak lagi.
Gita Cerita Utama - Fiksi Umum: Yang Terbaik dan Terpopuler
menghidangkan karya-karya yang menghibur dengan berbagai warna dan cita rasa. Kami menerbitkan yang terbaik di genre thriller/suspense/detektif (Kode Da Vinci, Malaikat dan Iblis, Benteng Digital, dan Titik Muslihat oleh Dan Brown, Rule of Four oleh Caldwell dan Thomason, Winter and Night karya SJ Rozan, Mangsa Maut oleh John Sandford, Void Moon karya Michael Connelly, Mystic River karya Dennis Lehane), kisah-kisah cinta (Dancing on the Edge oleh Han Nolan, Musim Hujan Kali Ini oleh Kalpatareu), humor/komedi, horor/gothic, fiksi sejarah (Pope Joan karya Donna Woolfolk Cross, Negara Kelima oleh Es Ito), fiksi-sains/fantasi (Trilogi Garth Nix, Sang Penandai oleh Tere-Liye), memoar, dan fiksi populer lainnya. Karena kami hanya menerbitkan yang terbaik dan yang terpopuler, banyak dari buku-buku kami telah menjadi bestseller no.1 versi New York Times, banyak yang telah atau akan difilmkan, dan banyak pula yang telah meraih penghargaan seperti Shamus dan Anthony Award, Gold Dagger Award untuk novel detektif terbaik, Edgar Award, Creasey Award, Macavity Award, dan Prix du Roman d’Aventure, dll. Apik dan tidak picisan, menegangkan, mengharukan, dan menghibur—setiap buku baru keluaran lini Serambi Gita Cerita Utama: Fiksi Umum akan dinanti-nanti setiap pembaca setia di tiap genre.
Jika Anda mempunyai naskah novel orisinal (bukan karya terjemahan) yang cocok untuk Serambi, mohon kirimkan
satu kopi naskah
sinopsis (tidak lebih dari satu halaman)
biografi ringkas penulis, termasuk biodata, riwayat pendidikan, dan karya yang telah diterbitkan
Jika Anda ingin menerjemahkan sebuah novel asing untuk Serambi atau jika Anda memiliki sebuah naskah terjemahan, mohon kirimkan
sinopsis novel asing tersebut menurut Anda (tidak lebih dari satu halaman)
biografi ringkas penulis asli
biografi ringkas penerjemah, termasuk biodata, riwayat pendidikan, dan karya yang telah diterbitkan
satu atau dua bab contoh naskah terjemahan berikut teks aslinya (untuk kami nilai kualitas terjemahannya)
II. Naskah Nonfiksi
Selama ini Serambi memang lebih banyak menerbitkan karya terjemahan, namun kami sangat mendorong para penulis dan peneliti dalam negeri untuk mengirimkan karya ke Serambi. Kami juga akan menyambut dengan sukacita para penulis dan peneliti asing yang ingin menerbitkan karya mereka dalam bahasa Indonesia dan membuat karya mereka tersedia di Indonesia.
Serambi menerbitkan buku nonfiksi di bidang-bidang berikut:
Gemala Ilmu dan Hikmah Islam (GIHI) : Berislam dengan Akal dan Hati
merupakan salah satu lini produk penerbit Serambi yang menyajikan informasi dan ulasan kontemporer seputar Islam, baik dalam konsep maupun aksi. Kata kunci yang menggambarkan ruh lini ini adalah dinamis dan progresif. Jadi, tak hanya menginformasikan dan mengulas Islam atau Muslimin, tapi juga menjawab tantangan-tantangan perubahan dengan semangat kemajuan.
Dengan perencanaan matang, seleksi ketat, dan penggarapan naskah yang serius, lini ini diharapkan maksimal dalam menyajikan khazanah pengetahuan Islam, juga dalam membentangkan hikmah-hikmah pemicu amal saleh, peneguh iman, dan pelestari akhlak terpuji.
Buku-buku yang sudah kami terbitkan di lini ini antara lain: Selamatkan Islam dari Muslim Puritan oleh Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, Pemikiran Politik Islam: dari Masa Nabi hingga Masa Kini karya Antony Black, History of the Arabs karya Philip K. Hitti, Perang Suci: Dari Perang Salib Hingga Perang Teluk karya Karen Armstrong, Perang Salib:Sudut Pandang Islam karya Carole Hillenbrand, Cita Humanisme Islam oleh George A. Makdisi, Quran Menurut Perempuan karya Amina Wadud, Tuhan yang Menentramkan karya Purwanto Abd Al-Gaffar, Islam dan Pluralisme karya Jalaluddin Rakhmat, Memahami Semangat Zaman karya Aidh al-Qarni, Perbankan Syariah karya Latifa M. Algauod dan Marvyn K. Lewis, Aku Beriman, maka Aku Bertanya dan Aku Menggugat, maka Aku Kian Beriman karya Jeffrey Lang, Segarkan Imanmu dengan Ibadah Berpikir karya Amru Muhammad Khalid dan Imam al-Ghazali, Blessing in Disguise karya Khalid Umar al-Disuqi, Pencerah Matahati karya Syekh Muzaffer Ozak, Tuhan, Rengkuh Aku dalam Petunjuk-Mu karya Muhammad Husayn Ya’qub, Muhammad karya Martin Lings, Ibrahim karya Jerald F. Dirk, Sunan Kalijaga, Syekh Siti Jenar, Al-Fatihah, Annas, dan Rahasia 10 Malam karya Achmad Chodjim.
Pustaka Islam Klasik (PIK): Buka Hati dengan Serambi
adalah salah satu lini produk penerbit Serambi yang mempersembahkan buku-buku karya ulama dari abad I hingga XII Hijriah, demi menyambungkan tradisi pemikiran Islam antara klasik dan modern yang cenderung terputus.
Ditopang oleh tenaga redaksional yang andal di bidangnya sehingga menghasilkan terjemahan yang dapat dipercaya, lini ini diharapkan dapat membantu pembaca kontemporer mengakses langsung puncak-puncak pemikiran ulama pelopor—fakih, muhaddis, mufasir, dan sufi—merasakan vibrasi wacananya yang kaya dan mendalam, serta menikmati gaya tuturnya yang khas dan menggugah.
Khazanah Islam klasik acap disebut “buku yang tak kunjung tamat”—karya yang tak cukup dibaca sekali dan terus saja menginspirasi pembacanya. Koleksi dan bacalah, insya Allah, Anda akan bergumam: “Bila buku demikian bermutu ... tak ada yang lama atau yang baru ... semuanya layak diburu.”
Di antara warisan kearifan Islam yang telah kami terbitkan antara lain Mata Air Kearifan, Rahasia Perumpamaan dalam Quran dan Sunah karya Al-Hakim al-Tirmidzi, Mengapa Harus Berserah dan Al Hikam karya Ibn’ Atha’illah, Pendar Kearifan karya Syekh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani, Baik & Buruk dan Jangan Biarkan Penyakit Hati Bersemi karya Ibn Taymiyyah, Bijak dan Bahagia karya Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, dll.
Risalah Ilmu dan Falsafah (RIF): Tahu dan Peduli
menyajikan karya-karya di bidang humaniora, sains, filsafat, dan investigasi jurnalistik yang menyajikan terobosan, menggugah kesadaran, dan membuat pembaca memandang berbagai isu dengan cara yang baru. Jika Anda ingin membuka mata Anda terhadap hal-hal baru, jika Anda peduli akan isu-isu yang penting bagi kehidupan kita dan dunia kita, burulah buku-buku RIF Serambi.
Ditujukan untuk mengakrabkan tema-tema penting seputar sains dan ilmu sosial pada pembaca umum, buku-buku di lini ini disajikan dengan gaya penulisan yang menarik perhatian dan mudah dicerna. Namun bukan berarti buku-buku kami dangkal atau mengundang kontroversi murahan.
Sebaliknya, buku-buku dalam lini ini adalah buah dari riset yang menyeluruh, sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk melihat asal-muasal sebuah masalah dan bagaimana perkembangannya seraya waktu bergulir. Penulis-penulisnya pun amat berdedikasi pada bidangnya dan seringkali terjun langsung ke lapangan, sehingga pembaca pun memperoleh informasi yang rinci dan hidup, seolah-olah pembaca diterjunkan langsung ke tengah-tengah tema yang diangkatnya. Penulis-penulis lainnya berasal dari kalangan profesional yang telah lama berkecimpung di bidang mereka, sehingga mereka dapat menuturkan dengan sudut pandang pribadi, seperti apa rasanya bergelut di bidang itu dari hari ke hari. Selesai membaca, pembaca akan memandang dunia dengan berbeda dan sarat akan pengetahuan akan bagaimana mengambil sikap terhadap sebuah masalah tertentu.
Sebelumnya kami telah menerbitkan Krakatau karya Simon Winchester, Abrahamic Faiths karya Jerald F. Dirks, Komplikasi karya Atul Gawande, dan Mapping Human History karya Steve Olson, dan Genetic Gods oleh John C. Avise.
RIF Teks Primer Klasik: Wacana Pemikiran Abadi untuk Semua
menghaturkan karya-karya pemikir-pemikir agung dari berbagai negara di bidang filsafat, ilmu sosial, dan sejarah intelektualitas. Amatlah penting bagi pembaca Indonesia untuk memperoleh akses serta membaca, merenungkan, dan memperdebatkan ide-ide yang telah membentuk dunia selama berabad-abad lamanya. Serambi berkomitmen untuk menyediakan karya-karya ini.
Diterjemahkan dan digarap oleh para ahli di bidangnya, dan diedarkan dengan harga terjangkau, Serambi RIF Teks Primer Klasik akan memberikan akses yang demokratis ke dalam puncak-puncak pemikiran Barat dan Timur, klasik dan modern, yang terus saja relevan di segala zaman.
Taktis untuk Bisnis (TUB): For the Difference Makers
adalah lini Serambi yang tersohor di bidang manajemen, bisnis, keuangan, ekonomi, dan kepemimpinan organisasi. Berbeda dengan yang lain, buku-buku kami memuat saran-saran praktis sekaligus landasan pemikiran di balik tips-tips tersebut. Ditujukan bagi para eksekutif yang peduli karier dan ingin membuat perubahan, baik dalam perusahaannya maupun di masyarakat luas.
Judul-judul yang telah kami terbitkan di antaranya Blue Ocean Strategy oleh W. Chan Kim dan Renee Maubourgne, 90 Hari Pertama oleh Michael Watkins, The 11th Element oleh Robert Scheinfield, The Medici Effect oleh Frans Johanson, dan Lightning Innovation Strategy oleh David Minter dan Michael Reid.
Nafiri Negeri (NN)
menghadirkan berbagai wacana tentang keindonesiaan, termasuk sejarah, budaya, tokoh, dan sastra dengan perspektif yang lengkap dan ditujukan bagi pembaca umum. Buku-buku di lini ini akan mengungkap riset terkini tentang Indonesia, atau aspek-aspek yang selama ini kurang diketahui khalayak luas. Serambi memulai lini ini dengan menerbitkan Sejarah Indonesia Modern 1200-2004 oleh M.C. Ricklefs, dan kami sangat menyambut naskah-naskah yang bisa mengembangkan lini ini.
Bentara Harmoni Keluarga (BHK)
menawarkan wacana sekaligus kiat-kiat praktis seputar persoalan rumah tangga dan pengasuhan anak, terutama di bidang-bidang sebagai berikut: (1) problema pernikahan; (2) kehamilan dan pengasuhan bayi(The Baby Book oleh William Sears dan Martha Sears dan Tak Ada Lagi Tangis oleh Elizabeth Pantley); (3) seputar masalah membesarkan anak (Stop Bullying: Resep Memutus Rantai Kekerasan Anak dari Prasekolah sampai SMU karya Barbara Coloroso, The Wonder of Boys karya Michael Gurian,dan Enneagram of Parenting oleh Elizabeth Wagele), (4) hubungan anak-orangtua; (5) pendidikan alternatif (Summerhill School karya A.S. Neill, Waldorf Education karya Jack Petrash); dan (6) pengasuhan anak-anak dengan kebutuhan yang spesial.
Cerdas Jiwa Sehat Raga (CJSR)
menghadirkan pemikiran-pemikiran yang out of the box di bidang pengembangan diri/kepribadian, kesehatan, spiritualitas, terutama tentang kebahagiaan (Art of Happiness oleh Khalil A. Khavari), kiat-kiat kebugaraan tubuh, keseimbangan nutrisi (Perricone Perscription), kestabilan emosi (Mengelola Kemarahan), penyembuhan (The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things), dan hubungan interpersonal yang harmonis. Unik dari buku-buku lain yang ada di pasaan, kami menawarkan saran-saran praktis berikut landasan pemikiran di balik saran-saran tersebut.
Jika Anda memiliki naskah yang cocok untuk Serambi atau ingin mengajukan proposal untuk menerbitkan buku bersama Serambi, mohon kirimkan:
deskripsi tentang isi buku secara padat dan representatif meliputi aspek-aspek berikut: tema, perspektif, konstruksi gagasan, dan sistematika pembahasannya
daftar isi dan perkiraan tebal naskah
satu kopi naskah atau, jika belum, rangkum satu atau dua bab contoh (terutama pengantar, pendahuluan, dan penutup)
biografi ringkas penulis, termasuk kualifikasi penulis dalam menulis tema yang dipilihnya, riwayat pendidikan, penghargaaan-penghargaan, dan daftar karya-karya yang telah dihasilkan dan diterbitkan
deskripsi jaringan pembeli dan strategi publikasi yang Anda punyai sebagai penulis berikut persentase daya serapnya terhadap oplah buku.
jika naskah tersebut adalah terjemahan, sertakan juga:
o biografi singkat penulis asli, berikut kualifikasinya
o satu atau dua bab contoh terjemahan dan teks aslinya (untuk kami nilai kualitas terjemahannya)
Jika naskah Anda berupa softcopy, kirim ke naskah@serambi.co.id.
Jika naskah Anda harcopy, alamatkan ke
PT Serambi Ilmu Semesta
attn Acquisition Editor
Jl. Kemang Timur Raya no. 16
Jakarta 12370,
Telepon: 62.21.719.9621 ext 112.
Naskah Anda akan kami putuskan selambat-lambatnya satu bulan setelah kami terima.
Mengingat banyaknya naskah masuk, kami tidak menyediakan layanan pengiriman balik naskah kecuali yang disertai perangko secukupnya. Atau, Anda dapat mengambil sendiri ke kantor kami.
Untuk kategori fiksi dan non fiksi, naskah yang dikirim merupakan naskah lengkap.
Naskah Lengkap
1. Naskah asli, bukan saduran maupun terjemahan.
2. Diketik dengan kerapatan 1 spasi
3. Panjang: 50 s/d/ 100 halaman A4
4. Badan naskah menggunakan huruf (font): Times New Roman ukuran 12
5. Menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
6. Isi dan materi yang disertakan dalam naskah tidak melanggar Hak Cipta pihak lain
7. Naskah dilengkapi dengan profil, alamat lengkap dan nomor telepon penulis yang bisa dihubungi.
8. Dikirimkan dalam bentuk cetak (hardcopy) ke alamat:
Redaksi KawanPustaka
Jl. H. Montong No. 57, Ciganjur-Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12630
Tlp: 021. 788 83030, Faks: 021. 727 0996
Seleksi Naskah
Seluruh naskah dan proposal naskah yang kami terima akan melalui proses seleksi. Penulis dan pengaju proposal naskah akan mendapatkan informasi mengenai status naskah/proposal naskahnya selambat-lambat 3 bulan dari tanggal penerimaan naskah/proposal naskah. Naskah yang tidak lolos seleksi akan dikembalikan ke alamat yang dicantumkan oleh penulis.
Kontrak Penerbitan
* Penulis, yang naskah/proposal naskahnya lolos seleksi, akan menandatangani kotrak penerbitan buku.
* KawanPustaka lebih cenderung melakukan kontrak penerbitan dengan sistem royalti.
* Royalti yang diterima oleh penulis adalah 10% dari harga buku yang terjual. Penulis akan berhak mendapatkan uang muka royalti pada saat bukunya mulai beredar.
Menjadi Penulis !
PENERBIT RESTU AGUNG membuka peluang bagi rekan-rekan sekalian yang ingin bergabung bersama kami sebagai penulis lepas (Writter Outsource). Siapapun Anda dan apa latar pendidikan Anda asalkan berminat dalam dunia kepenulisan silahkan kirimkan naskah Anda ke alamat kami Via-Email, Via Pos, ataupun datang langsung kebagian Redaksi Restu Agung.Adapun kriteria-kriteria yang perlu diketahui antara lain :
Kategori Umum (Fiksi) Mencakup :Anak-Anak
• Agama•
• Bahasa•
• Budaya•
• Bisnis/Ekonomi•
• Psikologi•
• Sosial/Politik•
• Kamus•
• Komputer•
• Dll
Kategori Spesifik (Non-Fiksi)
• Cerpen
• Novel
NB: Untuk kategori Non-Fiksi terdapat batas-batas naskah yang akan kami terima (Limited), dan itu semua dilihat dari penerimaan naskah yang masuk.. Karena untuk Non-Fiksi penerbitan tiap bulannya adalah 1-2 Judul.
Bagian ini adalah sangat vital dari jalinan kerjasama antara penerbit dengan penulis. Oleh karena itu ada 3 (tiga) sistem pembayaran yang kami tawarkan kepada penulis, antara lain lain :
a. Sistem Naskah Putus (Cash)
Pada Sistem ini penulis berhak mengajukan berapa harga Naskah tersebut dengan melihat dari sisi ketebalan naskah, bobot naskah secara keseluruhan, dan dalam kondisi ini penerbit akan memberikan harga yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dari sistem manajemen kami (Fleksibel). Faktor penentu dari besar kecilnya harga bergantung kepada Bobot serta isi dari Naskah tersebut. b. Sistem Naskah Royalty (Hak Cipta) Untuk sistem Pembayaran secara Royalty, penerbitlah yang menentukan profit yang akan di dapat oleh Pihak Penulis. Adapun Royalty yang kami tawarkan kepada penulis adalah 10% dari Jumlah Oplah Bruto tanpa di potong pajak. Mengenai rincian selengkapnya Anda dapat menghubungi pihak Redaksi, akan tetapi setelah naskah tersebut diterima oleh Pihak Penerbit. c. Sistem ProsentasiUntuk pembayaran (kerjasama) dengan sistem Prosentasi pihak penulis maupun Pihak Penerbit sama-sama mempunyai Andil dalam proses penerbitan. Mengenai ketentuan dan peraturan, Anda dapat langsung berkomunikasi dengan pihak Manajemen Kami.
Dalam menerbitkan Sebuah buku yang ingin dipublikasikan umumnya Penerbit selalu melakukan seleksi terhadap Naskah-naskah yang masuk ke meja Redaksi. Sebenarnya hal ini dilakukan untuk me-minimalisir tingkat Resiko setelah buku tersebut diterbitkan (Misalkan Plagiat). Ada 2 (dua) kondisi naskah yang perlu diketahui oleh penulis, antara lain :
A. Naskah diterima terjadi karena;
Judul maupun isi sesuai dengan Alur dari topik yang sedang dibahas/diuraikan.
Tidak mengandung unsur kekerasan, menghujat, menghina atau merendahkan tokoh/narasumber yang ada.
Mempunyai kejelasan dalam Pangsa Pasar (Siapa target/orientasi sasaran dari penulisan naskah tersebut)
Penulisan diatur oleh gaya serta pemikiran yang tidak kakue. Mempunyai sisi Wahana Pengetahuan yang jelas.
Naskah tersebut bukan hasil Jiplakan dari karya yang sudah ada, atau Naskah tersebut murni dari pemikiran, referensi, pengalaman, kepustakaan yang dikombinasikan secara Intelektual. B. Naskah tidak diterima terjadi karena;
Isi tidak sesuai dari Judul atau Konteks alur pemikiran, atau dengan kata lain tidak mempunyai kesinkronan antara Bab, Sub-bab atau bagian lainnya dari topik/uraian yang dijelaskan.
Banyak terdapat kata-kata pengulangan (repetisi) antar paragraf.
Mempunyai kesamaan/kemiripan terhadap buku lainnya (dari segi penulisan sampai dengan isi secara keseluruhan), ataupun melalui sumber lainnya seperti Majalah, Koran, Maupun Internet.
Padanan kata tidak mengikuti Ejaan Yang Disesuaikan (EYD)
Memaksakan topik-topik yang tidak sesuai dengan Alur Pemikiran sehingga menimbulkan penambahan topik yang baru tetapi tidak ada kaitannya dengan Judul.
Berikut merupakan Panduan bagaimana seharusnya Naskah tersebut diketik dak dikirimkan ke Penerbit Restu Agung.
a. Naskah diketik pada Aplikasi Word atau sejenisnya, dengan aturan sebagai berikut :
• Batas Atas/Bawah : 2,5 Cm•
• Batas Kiri/Kanan : 2,5 Cm•
• Menggunakan Jenis Font : - Times New Romant : 12,5 Pt
• - Arial : 12 Pt
• Lainnya : 12,5 Pt•
• Jarak antar Paragraf adalah : 1,5 Spasi dengan Leading Auto•
• Menggunakan Page Set-up (A4) dengan Mencantumkan Page Number b. Jumlah Minimal halaman dari Naskah tersebut tidak kurang dari 100 Halaman.
c. Kelengkapan Naskah terdiri dari :
• Judul•
• Daftar Isi•
• Kata Pengantar•
• Isi/Tema•
• Daftar Kepustakaan (Daftar Pustaka)•
• Biografi Penulis•
• Bila memungkinkan tulis juga kelebihan dari Topik yang dibahas serta target pencapaian pembaca (Kalangan yang akan membaca buku tersebut, seperti Remaja kah, Dewasa kah, pebisnis, atau lainnya). d. Pengiriman Via Email ;
• Sebelum mengirimkan Naskah, konfirmasikan terlebih dahulu kepada Pihak Redaksi Restu Agung, pada Hotline : (021) 3157176 Attention : Bpk. Pramudya atau Sdri Ayu.
• Alamat E-mail di tujukan ke restu_agung@yahoo.co.id / Via Website yang terdapat pada Fasilitas.
• Jangan lupa mencantumkan No.Telp yang dapat kami hubungi untuk proses konfirmasi selanjutnya. e. Pengiriman Via Pos/Datang Langsung:
• Alamat di tujukan ke : Penerbit Restu Agung
Komplek Maya Indah Blok 3C Lt. IVJl. Kramat Raya, Senen Jakarta Pusat
• Pengiriman dalam bentuk Soft Copy (Naskah yang sudah di Print), dan apabila kami telah menerima naskah tersebut dan memutuskan bahwa Naskah tersebut layak untuk dipublikasikan penulis segera mengirimkan data File lengkap ke Kami, baik itu melalui pos ataupun e-mail. V. LAIN-LAIN
Naskah-naskah yang telah kami nyatakan diterima tidak boleh ditarik/diambil kembali oleh penulis, terkecuali naskah yang tidak kami terima.
Setiap penulis akan mendapatkan sample buku sebanyak 5 (lima) exemplar sebagai bukti bahwa buku tersebut telah kami terbitkan.
Penulis akan mendapatkan Diskon/Rabat sebesar 40% bila ingin membeli buku tersebut untuk tujuan Promosi, Menjual atau lain sebagainya.
Kami akan menerbitkan Surat Perjanjian Jual-Beli setelah Naskah tersebut telah kami nyatakan diterima.
Mengenai sisi-sisi Administratif semua terlampir di dalam surat perjanjian6. Penulis selain membeli buku terbitannya, dapat juga membeli terbitan-terbitan buku kami dengan Diskon antara 15-30% dan ini pun berlaku bagi yang bukan penulis (umum).
Suparno A. Pramudya, SE. Bussiness Development0812 07231182
Serambi adalah penerbit buku-buku untuk konsumsi umum. Kami mencari buku-buku yang bersemangat inklusif, cerdas, berwawasan luas, profesional, berbudaya, humanis, dan religius. Kami menghindari penerbitan naskah yang mendorong semangat fanatik sempit, picik, antirefleksi, dan antipembelajaran (lihat juga visi dan misi Serambi di http://www.serambi.co.id/modules.php?name=About)
I. Naskah Fiksi
Lini Gita Cerita Utama (GCU) menerbitkan karya fiksi dari dalam maupun luar negeri.
Gita Cerita Utama - Fiksi Dunia: Potret Seribu Warna Kehidupan Manusia
Berbeda dengan penerbit-penerbit lain yang kebanyakan hanya mengimpor buku-buku berbahasa Inggris, lini Serambi GCU Fiksi Dunia mempersembahkan karya-karya fiksi terbaik dari berbagai negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia.
Digarap dengan serius dan bertanggung jawab, serta sebisa mungkin diterjemahkan dari bahasa aslinya, novel-novel ini membuat Anda mengintip kehidupan di berbagai komunitas dengan cita rasa budaya yang tak terbayangkan sebelumnya—dari Turki sampai Australia, dari Libanon sampai Jerman. Pembaca akan larut dalam rumitnya problema manusia di mana pun berada, uniknya kebiasaan-kebiasaan di berbagai tempat, namun menyadari adanya benang yang menghubungkan kita semua.
Dengan kalimat-kalimat yang indah, orisinil, dan bebas klise, pembaca akan tergugah seolah ia belum pernah digugah—dan mungkin saja, bisa lahir dalam dirinya, sebuah pemikiran atau perasaan yang sama sekali baru. Dengan menyadari pentingnya seni penulisan bagi kehidupan manusia, kami pun berdedikasi untuk menyuguhkan karya-karya yang melapangkan hati dan mendorong pembaca untuk merenungkan ulang makna dunia, keberadaan, dan arti dari menjadi manusia.
Di sublini ini, kami telah menerbitkan Namaku Merah Kirmizi oleh Orhan Pamuk (Turki), Cinta oleh Toni Morrison (A.S.), Samarkand oleh Amin Maalouf (Libanon), Ali dan Nino oleh Kurban Said (Jerman), The Things They Carried oleh Tim O’Brien (A.S.), A Father’s Affair oleh Karel Glastra van Loon (Belanda), The True History of the Kelly Gang oleh Peter Carey (Australia), dan masih banyak lagi.
Gita Cerita Utama - Fiksi Umum: Yang Terbaik dan Terpopuler
menghidangkan karya-karya yang menghibur dengan berbagai warna dan cita rasa. Kami menerbitkan yang terbaik di genre thriller/suspense/detektif (Kode Da Vinci, Malaikat dan Iblis, Benteng Digital, dan Titik Muslihat oleh Dan Brown, Rule of Four oleh Caldwell dan Thomason, Winter and Night karya SJ Rozan, Mangsa Maut oleh John Sandford, Void Moon karya Michael Connelly, Mystic River karya Dennis Lehane), kisah-kisah cinta (Dancing on the Edge oleh Han Nolan, Musim Hujan Kali Ini oleh Kalpatareu), humor/komedi, horor/gothic, fiksi sejarah (Pope Joan karya Donna Woolfolk Cross, Negara Kelima oleh Es Ito), fiksi-sains/fantasi (Trilogi Garth Nix, Sang Penandai oleh Tere-Liye), memoar, dan fiksi populer lainnya. Karena kami hanya menerbitkan yang terbaik dan yang terpopuler, banyak dari buku-buku kami telah menjadi bestseller no.1 versi New York Times, banyak yang telah atau akan difilmkan, dan banyak pula yang telah meraih penghargaan seperti Shamus dan Anthony Award, Gold Dagger Award untuk novel detektif terbaik, Edgar Award, Creasey Award, Macavity Award, dan Prix du Roman d’Aventure, dll. Apik dan tidak picisan, menegangkan, mengharukan, dan menghibur—setiap buku baru keluaran lini Serambi Gita Cerita Utama: Fiksi Umum akan dinanti-nanti setiap pembaca setia di tiap genre.
Jika Anda mempunyai naskah novel orisinal (bukan karya terjemahan) yang cocok untuk Serambi, mohon kirimkan
satu kopi naskah
sinopsis (tidak lebih dari satu halaman)
biografi ringkas penulis, termasuk biodata, riwayat pendidikan, dan karya yang telah diterbitkan
Jika Anda ingin menerjemahkan sebuah novel asing untuk Serambi atau jika Anda memiliki sebuah naskah terjemahan, mohon kirimkan
sinopsis novel asing tersebut menurut Anda (tidak lebih dari satu halaman)
biografi ringkas penulis asli
biografi ringkas penerjemah, termasuk biodata, riwayat pendidikan, dan karya yang telah diterbitkan
satu atau dua bab contoh naskah terjemahan berikut teks aslinya (untuk kami nilai kualitas terjemahannya)
II. Naskah Nonfiksi
Selama ini Serambi memang lebih banyak menerbitkan karya terjemahan, namun kami sangat mendorong para penulis dan peneliti dalam negeri untuk mengirimkan karya ke Serambi. Kami juga akan menyambut dengan sukacita para penulis dan peneliti asing yang ingin menerbitkan karya mereka dalam bahasa Indonesia dan membuat karya mereka tersedia di Indonesia.
Serambi menerbitkan buku nonfiksi di bidang-bidang berikut:
Gemala Ilmu dan Hikmah Islam (GIHI) : Berislam dengan Akal dan Hati
merupakan salah satu lini produk penerbit Serambi yang menyajikan informasi dan ulasan kontemporer seputar Islam, baik dalam konsep maupun aksi. Kata kunci yang menggambarkan ruh lini ini adalah dinamis dan progresif. Jadi, tak hanya menginformasikan dan mengulas Islam atau Muslimin, tapi juga menjawab tantangan-tantangan perubahan dengan semangat kemajuan.
Dengan perencanaan matang, seleksi ketat, dan penggarapan naskah yang serius, lini ini diharapkan maksimal dalam menyajikan khazanah pengetahuan Islam, juga dalam membentangkan hikmah-hikmah pemicu amal saleh, peneguh iman, dan pelestari akhlak terpuji.
Buku-buku yang sudah kami terbitkan di lini ini antara lain: Selamatkan Islam dari Muslim Puritan oleh Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, Pemikiran Politik Islam: dari Masa Nabi hingga Masa Kini karya Antony Black, History of the Arabs karya Philip K. Hitti, Perang Suci: Dari Perang Salib Hingga Perang Teluk karya Karen Armstrong, Perang Salib:Sudut Pandang Islam karya Carole Hillenbrand, Cita Humanisme Islam oleh George A. Makdisi, Quran Menurut Perempuan karya Amina Wadud, Tuhan yang Menentramkan karya Purwanto Abd Al-Gaffar, Islam dan Pluralisme karya Jalaluddin Rakhmat, Memahami Semangat Zaman karya Aidh al-Qarni, Perbankan Syariah karya Latifa M. Algauod dan Marvyn K. Lewis, Aku Beriman, maka Aku Bertanya dan Aku Menggugat, maka Aku Kian Beriman karya Jeffrey Lang, Segarkan Imanmu dengan Ibadah Berpikir karya Amru Muhammad Khalid dan Imam al-Ghazali, Blessing in Disguise karya Khalid Umar al-Disuqi, Pencerah Matahati karya Syekh Muzaffer Ozak, Tuhan, Rengkuh Aku dalam Petunjuk-Mu karya Muhammad Husayn Ya’qub, Muhammad karya Martin Lings, Ibrahim karya Jerald F. Dirk, Sunan Kalijaga, Syekh Siti Jenar, Al-Fatihah, Annas, dan Rahasia 10 Malam karya Achmad Chodjim.
Pustaka Islam Klasik (PIK): Buka Hati dengan Serambi
adalah salah satu lini produk penerbit Serambi yang mempersembahkan buku-buku karya ulama dari abad I hingga XII Hijriah, demi menyambungkan tradisi pemikiran Islam antara klasik dan modern yang cenderung terputus.
Ditopang oleh tenaga redaksional yang andal di bidangnya sehingga menghasilkan terjemahan yang dapat dipercaya, lini ini diharapkan dapat membantu pembaca kontemporer mengakses langsung puncak-puncak pemikiran ulama pelopor—fakih, muhaddis, mufasir, dan sufi—merasakan vibrasi wacananya yang kaya dan mendalam, serta menikmati gaya tuturnya yang khas dan menggugah.
Khazanah Islam klasik acap disebut “buku yang tak kunjung tamat”—karya yang tak cukup dibaca sekali dan terus saja menginspirasi pembacanya. Koleksi dan bacalah, insya Allah, Anda akan bergumam: “Bila buku demikian bermutu ... tak ada yang lama atau yang baru ... semuanya layak diburu.”
Di antara warisan kearifan Islam yang telah kami terbitkan antara lain Mata Air Kearifan, Rahasia Perumpamaan dalam Quran dan Sunah karya Al-Hakim al-Tirmidzi, Mengapa Harus Berserah dan Al Hikam karya Ibn’ Atha’illah, Pendar Kearifan karya Syekh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani, Baik & Buruk dan Jangan Biarkan Penyakit Hati Bersemi karya Ibn Taymiyyah, Bijak dan Bahagia karya Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, dll.
Risalah Ilmu dan Falsafah (RIF): Tahu dan Peduli
menyajikan karya-karya di bidang humaniora, sains, filsafat, dan investigasi jurnalistik yang menyajikan terobosan, menggugah kesadaran, dan membuat pembaca memandang berbagai isu dengan cara yang baru. Jika Anda ingin membuka mata Anda terhadap hal-hal baru, jika Anda peduli akan isu-isu yang penting bagi kehidupan kita dan dunia kita, burulah buku-buku RIF Serambi.
Ditujukan untuk mengakrabkan tema-tema penting seputar sains dan ilmu sosial pada pembaca umum, buku-buku di lini ini disajikan dengan gaya penulisan yang menarik perhatian dan mudah dicerna. Namun bukan berarti buku-buku kami dangkal atau mengundang kontroversi murahan.
Sebaliknya, buku-buku dalam lini ini adalah buah dari riset yang menyeluruh, sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk melihat asal-muasal sebuah masalah dan bagaimana perkembangannya seraya waktu bergulir. Penulis-penulisnya pun amat berdedikasi pada bidangnya dan seringkali terjun langsung ke lapangan, sehingga pembaca pun memperoleh informasi yang rinci dan hidup, seolah-olah pembaca diterjunkan langsung ke tengah-tengah tema yang diangkatnya. Penulis-penulis lainnya berasal dari kalangan profesional yang telah lama berkecimpung di bidang mereka, sehingga mereka dapat menuturkan dengan sudut pandang pribadi, seperti apa rasanya bergelut di bidang itu dari hari ke hari. Selesai membaca, pembaca akan memandang dunia dengan berbeda dan sarat akan pengetahuan akan bagaimana mengambil sikap terhadap sebuah masalah tertentu.
Sebelumnya kami telah menerbitkan Krakatau karya Simon Winchester, Abrahamic Faiths karya Jerald F. Dirks, Komplikasi karya Atul Gawande, dan Mapping Human History karya Steve Olson, dan Genetic Gods oleh John C. Avise.
RIF Teks Primer Klasik: Wacana Pemikiran Abadi untuk Semua
menghaturkan karya-karya pemikir-pemikir agung dari berbagai negara di bidang filsafat, ilmu sosial, dan sejarah intelektualitas. Amatlah penting bagi pembaca Indonesia untuk memperoleh akses serta membaca, merenungkan, dan memperdebatkan ide-ide yang telah membentuk dunia selama berabad-abad lamanya. Serambi berkomitmen untuk menyediakan karya-karya ini.
Diterjemahkan dan digarap oleh para ahli di bidangnya, dan diedarkan dengan harga terjangkau, Serambi RIF Teks Primer Klasik akan memberikan akses yang demokratis ke dalam puncak-puncak pemikiran Barat dan Timur, klasik dan modern, yang terus saja relevan di segala zaman.
Taktis untuk Bisnis (TUB): For the Difference Makers
adalah lini Serambi yang tersohor di bidang manajemen, bisnis, keuangan, ekonomi, dan kepemimpinan organisasi. Berbeda dengan yang lain, buku-buku kami memuat saran-saran praktis sekaligus landasan pemikiran di balik tips-tips tersebut. Ditujukan bagi para eksekutif yang peduli karier dan ingin membuat perubahan, baik dalam perusahaannya maupun di masyarakat luas.
Judul-judul yang telah kami terbitkan di antaranya Blue Ocean Strategy oleh W. Chan Kim dan Renee Maubourgne, 90 Hari Pertama oleh Michael Watkins, The 11th Element oleh Robert Scheinfield, The Medici Effect oleh Frans Johanson, dan Lightning Innovation Strategy oleh David Minter dan Michael Reid.
Nafiri Negeri (NN)
menghadirkan berbagai wacana tentang keindonesiaan, termasuk sejarah, budaya, tokoh, dan sastra dengan perspektif yang lengkap dan ditujukan bagi pembaca umum. Buku-buku di lini ini akan mengungkap riset terkini tentang Indonesia, atau aspek-aspek yang selama ini kurang diketahui khalayak luas. Serambi memulai lini ini dengan menerbitkan Sejarah Indonesia Modern 1200-2004 oleh M.C. Ricklefs, dan kami sangat menyambut naskah-naskah yang bisa mengembangkan lini ini.
Bentara Harmoni Keluarga (BHK)
menawarkan wacana sekaligus kiat-kiat praktis seputar persoalan rumah tangga dan pengasuhan anak, terutama di bidang-bidang sebagai berikut: (1) problema pernikahan; (2) kehamilan dan pengasuhan bayi(The Baby Book oleh William Sears dan Martha Sears dan Tak Ada Lagi Tangis oleh Elizabeth Pantley); (3) seputar masalah membesarkan anak (Stop Bullying: Resep Memutus Rantai Kekerasan Anak dari Prasekolah sampai SMU karya Barbara Coloroso, The Wonder of Boys karya Michael Gurian,dan Enneagram of Parenting oleh Elizabeth Wagele), (4) hubungan anak-orangtua; (5) pendidikan alternatif (Summerhill School karya A.S. Neill, Waldorf Education karya Jack Petrash); dan (6) pengasuhan anak-anak dengan kebutuhan yang spesial.
Cerdas Jiwa Sehat Raga (CJSR)
menghadirkan pemikiran-pemikiran yang out of the box di bidang pengembangan diri/kepribadian, kesehatan, spiritualitas, terutama tentang kebahagiaan (Art of Happiness oleh Khalil A. Khavari), kiat-kiat kebugaraan tubuh, keseimbangan nutrisi (Perricone Perscription), kestabilan emosi (Mengelola Kemarahan), penyembuhan (The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things), dan hubungan interpersonal yang harmonis. Unik dari buku-buku lain yang ada di pasaan, kami menawarkan saran-saran praktis berikut landasan pemikiran di balik saran-saran tersebut.
Jika Anda memiliki naskah yang cocok untuk Serambi atau ingin mengajukan proposal untuk menerbitkan buku bersama Serambi, mohon kirimkan:
deskripsi tentang isi buku secara padat dan representatif meliputi aspek-aspek berikut: tema, perspektif, konstruksi gagasan, dan sistematika pembahasannya
daftar isi dan perkiraan tebal naskah
satu kopi naskah atau, jika belum, rangkum satu atau dua bab contoh (terutama pengantar, pendahuluan, dan penutup)
biografi ringkas penulis, termasuk kualifikasi penulis dalam menulis tema yang dipilihnya, riwayat pendidikan, penghargaaan-penghargaan, dan daftar karya-karya yang telah dihasilkan dan diterbitkan
deskripsi jaringan pembeli dan strategi publikasi yang Anda punyai sebagai penulis berikut persentase daya serapnya terhadap oplah buku.
jika naskah tersebut adalah terjemahan, sertakan juga:
o biografi singkat penulis asli, berikut kualifikasinya
o satu atau dua bab contoh terjemahan dan teks aslinya (untuk kami nilai kualitas terjemahannya)
Jika naskah Anda berupa softcopy, kirim ke naskah@serambi.co.id.
Jika naskah Anda harcopy, alamatkan ke
PT Serambi Ilmu Semesta
attn Acquisition Editor
Jl. Kemang Timur Raya no. 16
Jakarta 12370,
Telepon: 62.21.719.9621 ext 112.
Naskah Anda akan kami putuskan selambat-lambatnya satu bulan setelah kami terima.
Mengingat banyaknya naskah masuk, kami tidak menyediakan layanan pengiriman balik naskah kecuali yang disertai perangko secukupnya. Atau, Anda dapat mengambil sendiri ke kantor kami.
Untuk kategori fiksi dan non fiksi, naskah yang dikirim merupakan naskah lengkap.
Naskah Lengkap
1. Naskah asli, bukan saduran maupun terjemahan.
2. Diketik dengan kerapatan 1 spasi
3. Panjang: 50 s/d/ 100 halaman A4
4. Badan naskah menggunakan huruf (font): Times New Roman ukuran 12
5. Menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
6. Isi dan materi yang disertakan dalam naskah tidak melanggar Hak Cipta pihak lain
7. Naskah dilengkapi dengan profil, alamat lengkap dan nomor telepon penulis yang bisa dihubungi.
8. Dikirimkan dalam bentuk cetak (hardcopy) ke alamat:
Redaksi KawanPustaka
Jl. H. Montong No. 57, Ciganjur-Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12630
Tlp: 021. 788 83030, Faks: 021. 727 0996
Seleksi Naskah
Seluruh naskah dan proposal naskah yang kami terima akan melalui proses seleksi. Penulis dan pengaju proposal naskah akan mendapatkan informasi mengenai status naskah/proposal naskahnya selambat-lambat 3 bulan dari tanggal penerimaan naskah/proposal naskah. Naskah yang tidak lolos seleksi akan dikembalikan ke alamat yang dicantumkan oleh penulis.
Kontrak Penerbitan
* Penulis, yang naskah/proposal naskahnya lolos seleksi, akan menandatangani kotrak penerbitan buku.
* KawanPustaka lebih cenderung melakukan kontrak penerbitan dengan sistem royalti.
* Royalti yang diterima oleh penulis adalah 10% dari harga buku yang terjual. Penulis akan berhak mendapatkan uang muka royalti pada saat bukunya mulai beredar.
Menjadi Penulis !
PENERBIT RESTU AGUNG membuka peluang bagi rekan-rekan sekalian yang ingin bergabung bersama kami sebagai penulis lepas (Writter Outsource). Siapapun Anda dan apa latar pendidikan Anda asalkan berminat dalam dunia kepenulisan silahkan kirimkan naskah Anda ke alamat kami Via-Email, Via Pos, ataupun datang langsung kebagian Redaksi Restu Agung.Adapun kriteria-kriteria yang perlu diketahui antara lain :
Kategori Umum (Fiksi) Mencakup :Anak-Anak
• Agama•
• Bahasa•
• Budaya•
• Bisnis/Ekonomi•
• Psikologi•
• Sosial/Politik•
• Kamus•
• Komputer•
• Dll
Kategori Spesifik (Non-Fiksi)
• Cerpen
• Novel
NB: Untuk kategori Non-Fiksi terdapat batas-batas naskah yang akan kami terima (Limited), dan itu semua dilihat dari penerimaan naskah yang masuk.. Karena untuk Non-Fiksi penerbitan tiap bulannya adalah 1-2 Judul.
Bagian ini adalah sangat vital dari jalinan kerjasama antara penerbit dengan penulis. Oleh karena itu ada 3 (tiga) sistem pembayaran yang kami tawarkan kepada penulis, antara lain lain :
a. Sistem Naskah Putus (Cash)
Pada Sistem ini penulis berhak mengajukan berapa harga Naskah tersebut dengan melihat dari sisi ketebalan naskah, bobot naskah secara keseluruhan, dan dalam kondisi ini penerbit akan memberikan harga yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dari sistem manajemen kami (Fleksibel). Faktor penentu dari besar kecilnya harga bergantung kepada Bobot serta isi dari Naskah tersebut. b. Sistem Naskah Royalty (Hak Cipta) Untuk sistem Pembayaran secara Royalty, penerbitlah yang menentukan profit yang akan di dapat oleh Pihak Penulis. Adapun Royalty yang kami tawarkan kepada penulis adalah 10% dari Jumlah Oplah Bruto tanpa di potong pajak. Mengenai rincian selengkapnya Anda dapat menghubungi pihak Redaksi, akan tetapi setelah naskah tersebut diterima oleh Pihak Penerbit. c. Sistem ProsentasiUntuk pembayaran (kerjasama) dengan sistem Prosentasi pihak penulis maupun Pihak Penerbit sama-sama mempunyai Andil dalam proses penerbitan. Mengenai ketentuan dan peraturan, Anda dapat langsung berkomunikasi dengan pihak Manajemen Kami.
Dalam menerbitkan Sebuah buku yang ingin dipublikasikan umumnya Penerbit selalu melakukan seleksi terhadap Naskah-naskah yang masuk ke meja Redaksi. Sebenarnya hal ini dilakukan untuk me-minimalisir tingkat Resiko setelah buku tersebut diterbitkan (Misalkan Plagiat). Ada 2 (dua) kondisi naskah yang perlu diketahui oleh penulis, antara lain :
A. Naskah diterima terjadi karena;
Judul maupun isi sesuai dengan Alur dari topik yang sedang dibahas/diuraikan.
Tidak mengandung unsur kekerasan, menghujat, menghina atau merendahkan tokoh/narasumber yang ada.
Mempunyai kejelasan dalam Pangsa Pasar (Siapa target/orientasi sasaran dari penulisan naskah tersebut)
Penulisan diatur oleh gaya serta pemikiran yang tidak kakue. Mempunyai sisi Wahana Pengetahuan yang jelas.
Naskah tersebut bukan hasil Jiplakan dari karya yang sudah ada, atau Naskah tersebut murni dari pemikiran, referensi, pengalaman, kepustakaan yang dikombinasikan secara Intelektual. B. Naskah tidak diterima terjadi karena;
Isi tidak sesuai dari Judul atau Konteks alur pemikiran, atau dengan kata lain tidak mempunyai kesinkronan antara Bab, Sub-bab atau bagian lainnya dari topik/uraian yang dijelaskan.
Banyak terdapat kata-kata pengulangan (repetisi) antar paragraf.
Mempunyai kesamaan/kemiripan terhadap buku lainnya (dari segi penulisan sampai dengan isi secara keseluruhan), ataupun melalui sumber lainnya seperti Majalah, Koran, Maupun Internet.
Padanan kata tidak mengikuti Ejaan Yang Disesuaikan (EYD)
Memaksakan topik-topik yang tidak sesuai dengan Alur Pemikiran sehingga menimbulkan penambahan topik yang baru tetapi tidak ada kaitannya dengan Judul.
Berikut merupakan Panduan bagaimana seharusnya Naskah tersebut diketik dak dikirimkan ke Penerbit Restu Agung.
a. Naskah diketik pada Aplikasi Word atau sejenisnya, dengan aturan sebagai berikut :
• Batas Atas/Bawah : 2,5 Cm•
• Batas Kiri/Kanan : 2,5 Cm•
• Menggunakan Jenis Font : - Times New Romant : 12,5 Pt
• - Arial : 12 Pt
• Lainnya : 12,5 Pt•
• Jarak antar Paragraf adalah : 1,5 Spasi dengan Leading Auto•
• Menggunakan Page Set-up (A4) dengan Mencantumkan Page Number b. Jumlah Minimal halaman dari Naskah tersebut tidak kurang dari 100 Halaman.
c. Kelengkapan Naskah terdiri dari :
• Judul•
• Daftar Isi•
• Kata Pengantar•
• Isi/Tema•
• Daftar Kepustakaan (Daftar Pustaka)•
• Biografi Penulis•
• Bila memungkinkan tulis juga kelebihan dari Topik yang dibahas serta target pencapaian pembaca (Kalangan yang akan membaca buku tersebut, seperti Remaja kah, Dewasa kah, pebisnis, atau lainnya). d. Pengiriman Via Email ;
• Sebelum mengirimkan Naskah, konfirmasikan terlebih dahulu kepada Pihak Redaksi Restu Agung, pada Hotline : (021) 3157176 Attention : Bpk. Pramudya atau Sdri Ayu.
• Alamat E-mail di tujukan ke restu_agung@yahoo.co.id / Via Website yang terdapat pada Fasilitas.
• Jangan lupa mencantumkan No.Telp yang dapat kami hubungi untuk proses konfirmasi selanjutnya. e. Pengiriman Via Pos/Datang Langsung:
• Alamat di tujukan ke : Penerbit Restu Agung
Komplek Maya Indah Blok 3C Lt. IVJl. Kramat Raya, Senen Jakarta Pusat
• Pengiriman dalam bentuk Soft Copy (Naskah yang sudah di Print), dan apabila kami telah menerima naskah tersebut dan memutuskan bahwa Naskah tersebut layak untuk dipublikasikan penulis segera mengirimkan data File lengkap ke Kami, baik itu melalui pos ataupun e-mail. V. LAIN-LAIN
Naskah-naskah yang telah kami nyatakan diterima tidak boleh ditarik/diambil kembali oleh penulis, terkecuali naskah yang tidak kami terima.
Setiap penulis akan mendapatkan sample buku sebanyak 5 (lima) exemplar sebagai bukti bahwa buku tersebut telah kami terbitkan.
Penulis akan mendapatkan Diskon/Rabat sebesar 40% bila ingin membeli buku tersebut untuk tujuan Promosi, Menjual atau lain sebagainya.
Kami akan menerbitkan Surat Perjanjian Jual-Beli setelah Naskah tersebut telah kami nyatakan diterima.
Mengenai sisi-sisi Administratif semua terlampir di dalam surat perjanjian6. Penulis selain membeli buku terbitannya, dapat juga membeli terbitan-terbitan buku kami dengan Diskon antara 15-30% dan ini pun berlaku bagi yang bukan penulis (umum).
Suparno A. Pramudya, SE. Bussiness Development0812 07231182
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hentikan petualangan Anda, stop mencari-cari usaha yang tak pasti, pencarian Anda telah berakhir. Situs ini menawarkan sesuatu yang riil. Murni berdasarkan pengalaman. Harap baca sampai tuntas. Segera bersikap. Milyaran rupiah menjadi masa depan Anda. Peluang hari ini adalah momentum kehidupan Anda. Sekali lagi, BACA SAMPAI TUNTAS....
Bagaimana Menjadi Penulis yang
Dulu penulis tak begitu dihargai. Sekarang? SAMA SAJA. Nasib penulis sangat memperihatinkan. Tapi kini fajar baru telah tiba. Anda Penulis? Bersiaplah jadi Milyarder
Honor atau Royalti telat bahkan tak dibayar adalah sebagian dari penderitaan penulis.Penerbit dan penulis seolah dua sosok yang besebrangan. Di satu sisi penerbit itu sangat berkecukupan, namun disisi lain, para penulis seperti gembel.
Akhirnya saya sadar, potensi buku sebenarnya sangat besar. Seorang penulis bisa kaya raya alias sejahtera asal mereka merubah taktik. Caranya, jadi pengusaha buku atau owner penerbitan. Hasilnya sangat fantastis. Saya bagikan rahasia ini kepada Anda. Rahasia ini hanya ada di situs ini. Saya ajarkan cara kaya dari buku dari A sampai Z. Modal kecil bahkan tanpa modal, Anda menjelma menjadi pribadi sukses.
Perkenalkan nama saya Toha Nasrudin S.Ag atau sering menggunakan nama pena Abu Al-Ghifari, lahir tanggal 9 Juni 1971 di Bandung. Saya bukan sarjana dengan latar belakang pendidikan bisnis, saya jebolan pesantren dan alumnus IAIN/UIN SGD Bandung dengan basic ilmu keislaman. Saat ini berhasil mendirikan 3 penerbitan buku dan beberapa perusahaan yang terkait dengan buku. Semuanya memberikan income sangat besar dalam hitungan milyaran rupiah dalam setiap tahunnya. Selengkapnya Klik disini
Saya terbuka saja, hasil yang saya dapatkan mencapai milyaran rupiah bahkan dalam tahun ketiga menyentuh hampir 5M. Namun tidak mudah mendapatkan semua itu. Saya bekerja keras untuk mendapatkannya. Berbagai halangan dan rintangan telah saya alami. Setiap hari saya mengumpulkan kesabaran untuk bisa bertahan. Setiap hari pula saya mengumpulkan keberanian lebih besar lagi untuk bisa sukses.
Namun Anda lebih beruntung, Anda tidak perlu dan mudah-mudahan tidak mengalami seperti yang saya alami. Jatuh bangun menjadi penulis dan mendirikan usaha penerbitan dengan modal dengkul. Anda tinggal menyerap intisari dari yang saya alami. Bagaimanapun pengalaman adalah guru bijaksana, termasuk pengalaman saya. Lantas apa yang saya lakukan selama ini? semuanya telah saya rengkum dalam e-book di bawah ini.
Kaya Cepat dengan Selfpublishing
"Tidak ada alasan bagi Anda, baik sebagai penulis, editor, ataupun pengusaha untuk tidak membaca karya Abu Al-Ghifari ini"
Bambang Trim, CEO MQS dan Wakil IKAPI Jabar
Subhanallah!! Luarbiasa!! Fantastis!! Jujur saja, ini satu-satunya buku di Indonesia yang mengungkap rahasia bisnis besar dibalik self publishing. Saya sudah ngubek-ngubek Gramedia, tapi gak nemu buku yang mau abis-abisan membongkar rahasia bisnis self publishing. Mungkin penerbitnya takut kehilangan penulis ya. hehe.. Saya benar-benar berterimakasih dan salut buat Pak Toha yang mau membuka rahasianya.
Ika Aryani , Pebisnis Selfpublishing
e-book Peta Harta Karun merupakan sebuah buku elektronik (e-book) yang berisi pengalaman sejati Toha Nasrudin S.Ag (nama pena: Abu Al-Ghifari) dalam menjalani profesinya sebagai penulis dan pengusaha bisnis penerbitan yang dikelola secara mandiri dengan modal minimal. Penerbitan jenis ini disebut self publishing.
"Saya adalah praktisi buku yang tidak mau membebani diri dengan teori yang terlalu rumit" demikian kata beliau. Artinya bisnis ini bisa dilakukakan oleh siapa saja terutama para penulis buku, penerjamah, dan peminat dunia penerbitan karena tidaklah rumit.
Omzet yang dihasilkan self publishing ini memang sangat menakjubkan, mencapai 5M dalam 3 tahun bisnisnya. Sebuah pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa.
Apa dan bagaimana beliau menjalankannya? buku ini membahas dari proses awal hingga sukses. sangat detail dan benar-benar lain dari yang lain. Siapapun Anda, harus memiliki buku ini. Beliau susah payah membuatnya khusus untuk Anda.
Kanapa saya buat e-book ini?
Kenapa saya buat buku yang penting ini? saya sudah lama prihatin dengan kondisi penulis Indonesia yang kesejahteraannya nyaris tak beranjak. Seperti pernah saya alami. Selama saya mengelola penerbitan, begitu banyak penulis yang mengeluh kekurangan dana untuk berbagai keperluan, padahal di antaranya penulis ternama dengan banyak karya. Kenapa? Mereka tidak memiliki strategi dalam menulis.
Saya terdorong untuk mengengkat kesejahteraan mereka dengan pengalaman saya ini. Kini saya dapat mengatakan, “penulis insya Allah kaya”, bukan sekedar kaya hati, wawasan, dan pengalaman, tapi sejahtera dari segi materi. Caranya jadilah penulis hebat dan selfpublishing.
Lantas apa yang mungkin saya dapatkan dari e-book ini?
Anda akan mendapatkan semua penjelasan berdasarkan pengalaman saya teknik menjadi penulis laris manis dan teknik mendirikan penerbitan sendiri atau self publishing. E-book ini mendorong Anda menjadi seorang yang bukan sekedar penulis, melainkan ikut langsung berkiprah mendirikan sebuah penerbitan sendiri yang saya sebut swakelola atau self publishing sehingga penulis dapat memaksimalkan karyanya dan memperolah hasil yang layak.Tak dapat dipungkiri, mereka yang sukses di dunia penerbitan dengan memiliki penerbitan yang besar, awalnya adalah seorang self publishing. Jika Anda mengikuti petunjuk seperti yang ada di buku ini, bukan tak mungkin satu, dua, atau lima tahun ke depan penerbit Anda akan berubah menjadi penerbit raksasa lengkap dengan mesin cetaknya. Amin.
Tidak ada rekomendasi yang terbaik untuk Anda selain membali dua e-book ini sekarang juga. Terlambat berarti kehilangan waktu dan peluang. Insya Allah kami memberikan layanan super cepat. Member Area kami aktifkan paling paling lambat 12 jam semenjak Anda membeli. Tidak Puas, uang kembali. Lebih jelasnya mengenai e-book penting ini, silakan baca keterangan dibawah ini.
Peta Harta Karun
Bagian Pertama
Saat Paling Menegangkan (Sebuah Otobiografi)
Bab 1 Nostalgia Masa lalu: Dari Lumpur ke Buku
Bagian Kedua
Membuka Pintu Harta Karun
Bab II Kenapa Harus Kaya?
Bab III Mambuka Pintu Harta Karun
Bab IV Pondasi Kaya dan Tetap Kaya Selama-lamanya
Bagian Ketiga
Menjadi Penulis yang Kaya Raya
Bab V Strategi Kaya Raya dari Menulis
Bab VI Menjadi Penulis yang Beda bahkan ‘Gila’
Bab VII Menjadi Penulis Laris Manis
A. Bagaimana Agar Menjadi Penulis Produktif
B. Bagaimana Agar Mampu Menulis Dalam Situasi dan Kondisi Apapun
C. Bagaimana Agar Tulisan Anda Pasti Dimuat Oleh Koran dan Majalah Manapun,
D. Bagaimana Agar Tulisan Anda Tak Pernah Ditolak Penerbit Buku Manapun,
E. Bagaimana Agar Penerbit Antri Menanti Tulisan Anda
F. Bagaimana Agar Mampu Menulis Buku yang Selalu Meledak
G. Bagaimana Agar Selalu Mendapatkan Royalti Puluhan Juta Terus Menerus Dalam Satu Bulan
Bagian Keempat
Menjadi Milyarder dari Bisnis Buku
Bab VIII Awal Kiprah: Saat Tidak Ada yang Percaya (Pengalaman Pribadi yang Paling Berharga)
A. Pengalaman Buku Pertama
B. Modal Awal, Rincian Biaya Cetak dan Kalkulasi Keuntungan
C. Pemasaran Buku dan Pengalaman dengan Ditributor Tunggal
D. Buku Kedua dan Selanjutnya
E. Memasarkan Sendiri
F. Nama Pena
Bab IX Langkah Demi Langkah Mendirikan Penerbitan Sendiri (Selfpublishing)
A. 6 Alasan Kenapa Harus Mendirikan Penerbitan Sendiri?
B. Prospek Bisnis Buku
C. Mengurus Izin Usaha
D. Hindari Utang; Hati-hati dengan Bank
E. Teknik Jitu Membidik Pangsa Pasar Potensial
F. Seleksi Naskah Berkualitas
G. Pembarian Royalti dan Honorarium
H. Proses Produksi
I. Teknik Promosi yang Menghasilkan Penjualan
J. Proses Penjualan
K. Quality Control, Proses Packing dan Pengiriman
L. Evaluasi
M. Pengalaman Pahit Bersama Agen
N. Pengalaman Indah Bersama Agen
Bagian Kelima
Kaya dan Lebih Kaya Lagi
Bab X Menggandakan Keuntungan: Menabur Uang dalam Investasi Aman
Bagian Keenam
Kekayaan Penuh Berkah
Bab XI Menggandakan Keuntungan Lebih Besar Lagi
A. Manularkan Kesuksesan Kepada Generasi Muda
B. Membersihkan Kekayaan dari Hak Orang Lain
C. Membagi Keuntungan dengan Keluarga Besar
Bagian Ketujuh
Data Agen-Agen Penting Dan Surat Perjanjian
Bab XII Daftar Agen Terbaik
Bab XIII Daftar Agen Hitam (Berbahaya)
Bab XIV Surat Perjanjian Pemasaran Dengan Agen
Bab XV Surat Perjanjian Penerbitan Dengan Penulis
Jumlah halaman: 200 halaman dengan ukuran A4 atau jika dibukukan sekitar 350 halaman.
Selengkapnya baca di link ini http://www.penulissukses.com?id=mukhid08
Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 37
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E-mail: ahmadun21@yahoo.com
Kompleks Delta Kedoya,
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E-mail: redaksi@sinarpagi.co.id
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E-mail : aneka@indosat.net.id
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E-mail: Sunday@jakartapost.com
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E-mail : redaksi@swarakartini.co.id
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E-mail : redaksi@mqmedia.com
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E-mail : majalah_lisa@yahoo.com
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E-mail : redaksi@wawasan.co.id
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mail: bobonet@gramedia-majalah.com
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E-mail : sungaiapit@yahoo.com
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E-mail : redaksi@kartinionline.com
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E-mail : majalahparas@yahoo.com
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Penerbit PROGRES
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Telp. 83702566
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E-mail : majalah_muslimah@hotmail.com
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Telp. 9176319
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E-mail : redaksi@noor.co.id
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E-mail : kesumawijaya@yahoo.com
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E-mail: ahmadun21@yahoo.com
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E-mail: effendi18@yahoo.com
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E-mail : editor@jawapos.co.id
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Jl. RS Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan
E-mail: redaksi@sinarpagi.co.id
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E-mail : aneka@indosat.net.id
E-mail : radarlpg@indo.net.id
E-mail : poskup@indomedia.com
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Bangkinang KM 1,5
E-mail : redaksi@riaupos.co.id
E-mail : solopos@bumi.net.id
E-mail: suarakaltim@suarakaltim.co.id
E-mail : news@suaramerdeka.com
E-mail : ummi@ummigroup.co.id
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Jl. Mt. Haryono 143/54
Banjarmasin, Kalsel
E-mail : bpost@indomedia.com
E-mail: editor@pontianak.wasantara.net.id
E-mail : redaksi@beritabuana.co.id
E-mail: mdopost@mdo.mega.net.id
E-mail : redaksi@pikiran-rakyat.com
E-mail : redaksilampost@yahoo.com
Gedung Persaudaraan Haji
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E-mail: Sunday@jakartapost.com
J. Mampang Prapatan No. 25
Jakarta Selatan 12720
E-mail : redaksi@swarakartini.co.id
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E-mail : redaksi@mqmedia.com
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E-mail : majalah_lisa@yahoo.com
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E-mail : inomajalah@yahoo.com
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Jl. MH Thamrin No 53
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E-mail: info@sinarharapan.co.id
E-mail : redaksi@wawasan.co.id
Jl. Mede No.42 Utan Kayu
Jakarta Timur 13120
E-mail : annida@ummigroup.co.id
Jl. Palmerah Selatan No. 22
Jakarta 10270
mail: bobonet@gramedia-majalah.com
E-mail : jurnalcerpen@yahoo.com
E-mail : suarakarya@hotmail.com
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E-mail : sungaiapit@yahoo.com
Jl. Garuda No. 80 A
Jakarta Pusat.
Telp. 42801905-6, 42881866
E-mail : redaksi@kartinionline.com
Kota Wisata Cibubur, senkom amsterdam Blok B, Jl. Transyogy km 6, cibubur 16968
E-mail : majalahparas@yahoo.com
E-mail : tabloidfikri@yahoo.com
Jl. Garuda No. 80 A
Kemayoran – Jakarta Pusat
E-mail : alimah_islami@yahoo.com
Penerbit PROGRES
PO BOX 1492
Jkt 13014
Jl. Kalibata Utara II No. 84
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E-mail : gip_anak@yahoo.com
Jl. Tebet Barat VIII No. 27
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E-mail : yjp@yjp.or.id
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E-mail : safina_mediautama@yahoo.com
Telp. 83702566
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Telp. 84932194
E-mail : majalah_muslimah@hotmail.com
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Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.75
Jakarta Selatan
E-mail ; cinta@cerita-cinta.info
Telp. 571-2108
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya 74 E
Tegal Parang JAKSEL 12790
Telp. 9176319
Kawasan Industri pulogadung
Jl. Rawa Gelam I No.4
Jakarta Timur 13930
E-mail : redaksi@noor.co.id
Telp. 46824444
E-mail : kesumawijaya@yahoo.com
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Polonia, Jakarta Timur 13340
MAJALAH Aku Anak Saleh
Jl.Dewi Sartika no.357
Jakarta 13630
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Writing Characters of the Opposite Sex
Perhaps the most fundamental error made by authors, whether novice or experienced, is that all their characters, male and female, tend to reflect the gender of the author. This is hardly surprising, since recent research finally proves that men and women use their brains in different ways. So how can an author overcome this gap to write character of the opposite sex that are both accurate and believable to their own gender?
In this Dramatica Tip, we’ll explore the nature of male and female minds and provide techniques for crafting characters that are true to their gender.
But first, Storymind.com is pleased to announce a new 3-hour program available on audio CD or audio cassette that fully explores “Writing Characters of the Opposite Sex.” Presented by the co-creators of the Dramatica theory and software, this program explains the biologic and learned differences in the minds of men and women and offers step-by-step descriptions of the thought patterns, manners of expression, and means of manipulation of each sex within themselves and when relating to other of the same and opposite sexes.
For more information visit http://store.yahoo.com/dramatica/writcharofop.html
At first, it might seem that being male or female is an easily definable thing, and therefore easy to convey in one’s writing. But as we all know, the differences between the sexes have historically been a mysterious quality, easily felt, but in fact quite hard to define. This is because what makes a mind male or female is not just one thing, but several.
First, let’s consider that gender has four principal components:
Anatomical Sex
Sexual Preference
Gender Identity
Mental Sex
Anatomical sex describes the physicality of a character – male or female. Now, we all know that people actually fall in a range – more or less hairy, wider or narrower hips, deeper or higher voice, and so on. So although there is a fairly clear dividing line between male and female anatomically, secondary sexual characteristics actually create a range of physicality between the two. Intentionally choosing these attributes for your characters can make them far less stereotypical as men and women.
Sexual Preferences may be for the same sex, the opposite sex, both, or neither (or self). Although people usually define themselves as being straight, gay, bi, or celibate, this is also not a fixed quality. Statistics show, for example, that 1/3 of all men have a homosexual encounter at least once in their lives. Although it often stirs up controversy to say so, in truth most people have passing attractions to the same sex, be it a very pretty boy or a “butch” woman. Consider the sexual preference of your characters not as a fixed choice of one thing or another, but as a fluid quality that may shift over time or in a particular exceptional context.
Gender Identity describes where one falls on the scale between masculine and feminine. This, of course, is also context dependent. For example, when one is in the woods, at home with one’s family, or being chewed out by the boss. Gender Identity is not just how one feels or things of oneself, but also how one acts, how one uses one’s voice, and how one wishes to be treated. Often, a male character may have gentle feelings but cover them up by overly masculine mannerisms. Or, a female character may be “all-business” in the workplace out of necessity, but wish someone would treat her with softness and kindness. Actuaally, Gender Identity is made up of how one acts or wishes to act, and how one is treated or wishes to be treated. How many times have we seen a character who is forced by others to play a role that is in conflict with his or her internal gender self-image? Gender Identity is where one can explore the greatest nuance in creating non-stereotypical characters.
Finally, Mental Sex describes where one falls on the scale from practical, binary, linear, logistic, goal-oriented thinking to passionate, flexible, emotional, process-oriented thinking. In fact, every human being engages in ALL of these approaches to life, just at different times and in different ways.
Now, in creating characters, consider that each of the four categories we just explored is not a simple choice between one thing or another, but a sliding scale (like Anatomical Sex) or a conglomerate of individual traits (like Gender Identity). Then, visualize that wherever a character falls in any one of those four categories places absolutely no limits on where he or she may fall in the other categories.
For example, you might have a character extremely toward male anatomical sex, bi-sexual (but leaning toward a straight relationship at the moment), whose gender identity is rough and tumble ( but yearns to be accepted for his secret sensitivity toward impressionistic paintings) who is practical all the time (except when it comes to sports cars).
Any combination goes.
But when it comes to Mental Sex itself, there are four sub-categories within that area alone which tend to define the different personality types we encounter:
In brief, each of these “levels” or “attributes” of the mind can lean toward seeing the world in definable or experiential terms. Pre-conscious is a tendency to perceive the world in components or as processes that is determined before birth. It is the foundation of leaning toward the tradition “male” or “female” personality traits. Subconscious determines the tendencies we have to be attracted or repelled from component or process rewards. Memory relies on our training to organize our considerations in a give situation toward components or processes. And every character always has a Conscious choice to focus on the components or processes at any given moment. In other words, in a given situation, at each level of Mental Sex does a character center on the way things are or the way things are going? At each level is the character more interested in getting his or her ducks in a row or in a pond?
Finally, beyond all of these considerations is the cultural indoctrination we all receive that leads us to respond within social expectations appropriately to the role associated with our anatomical sex. These roles are fairly rigid and include what is proper to wear, who speaks first, who opens the door or order the wine, who has to pretend to be inept where and skilled where else (regardless of real ability or lack there of in that area), the form of grammar one uses in constructing sentences, the words one is expected to use (“I’ll take a hamburger,” vs. “I’d like a salad”), and the demeanor allowable in social interaction with the same and the opposite sex, among many other qualities.
In the end, writing characters of the opposite sex requires a commitment to understand the difference between those qualities which are inherent and those which are learned, and to accept that we are all made of the same clay, but just sculpt it in different ways.
For more depth and detail, consider the 3-hour program “Writing Characters of the Opposite Sex,” available on audio CD or audio cassette at http://store.yahoo.com/dramatica/writcharofop.html
In this Dramatica Tip, we’ll explore the nature of male and female minds and provide techniques for crafting characters that are true to their gender.
But first, Storymind.com is pleased to announce a new 3-hour program available on audio CD or audio cassette that fully explores “Writing Characters of the Opposite Sex.” Presented by the co-creators of the Dramatica theory and software, this program explains the biologic and learned differences in the minds of men and women and offers step-by-step descriptions of the thought patterns, manners of expression, and means of manipulation of each sex within themselves and when relating to other of the same and opposite sexes.
For more information visit http://store.yahoo.com/dramatica/writcharofop.html
At first, it might seem that being male or female is an easily definable thing, and therefore easy to convey in one’s writing. But as we all know, the differences between the sexes have historically been a mysterious quality, easily felt, but in fact quite hard to define. This is because what makes a mind male or female is not just one thing, but several.
First, let’s consider that gender has four principal components:
Anatomical Sex
Sexual Preference
Gender Identity
Mental Sex
Anatomical sex describes the physicality of a character – male or female. Now, we all know that people actually fall in a range – more or less hairy, wider or narrower hips, deeper or higher voice, and so on. So although there is a fairly clear dividing line between male and female anatomically, secondary sexual characteristics actually create a range of physicality between the two. Intentionally choosing these attributes for your characters can make them far less stereotypical as men and women.
Sexual Preferences may be for the same sex, the opposite sex, both, or neither (or self). Although people usually define themselves as being straight, gay, bi, or celibate, this is also not a fixed quality. Statistics show, for example, that 1/3 of all men have a homosexual encounter at least once in their lives. Although it often stirs up controversy to say so, in truth most people have passing attractions to the same sex, be it a very pretty boy or a “butch” woman. Consider the sexual preference of your characters not as a fixed choice of one thing or another, but as a fluid quality that may shift over time or in a particular exceptional context.
Gender Identity describes where one falls on the scale between masculine and feminine. This, of course, is also context dependent. For example, when one is in the woods, at home with one’s family, or being chewed out by the boss. Gender Identity is not just how one feels or things of oneself, but also how one acts, how one uses one’s voice, and how one wishes to be treated. Often, a male character may have gentle feelings but cover them up by overly masculine mannerisms. Or, a female character may be “all-business” in the workplace out of necessity, but wish someone would treat her with softness and kindness. Actuaally, Gender Identity is made up of how one acts or wishes to act, and how one is treated or wishes to be treated. How many times have we seen a character who is forced by others to play a role that is in conflict with his or her internal gender self-image? Gender Identity is where one can explore the greatest nuance in creating non-stereotypical characters.
Finally, Mental Sex describes where one falls on the scale from practical, binary, linear, logistic, goal-oriented thinking to passionate, flexible, emotional, process-oriented thinking. In fact, every human being engages in ALL of these approaches to life, just at different times and in different ways.
Now, in creating characters, consider that each of the four categories we just explored is not a simple choice between one thing or another, but a sliding scale (like Anatomical Sex) or a conglomerate of individual traits (like Gender Identity). Then, visualize that wherever a character falls in any one of those four categories places absolutely no limits on where he or she may fall in the other categories.
For example, you might have a character extremely toward male anatomical sex, bi-sexual (but leaning toward a straight relationship at the moment), whose gender identity is rough and tumble ( but yearns to be accepted for his secret sensitivity toward impressionistic paintings) who is practical all the time (except when it comes to sports cars).
Any combination goes.
But when it comes to Mental Sex itself, there are four sub-categories within that area alone which tend to define the different personality types we encounter:
In brief, each of these “levels” or “attributes” of the mind can lean toward seeing the world in definable or experiential terms. Pre-conscious is a tendency to perceive the world in components or as processes that is determined before birth. It is the foundation of leaning toward the tradition “male” or “female” personality traits. Subconscious determines the tendencies we have to be attracted or repelled from component or process rewards. Memory relies on our training to organize our considerations in a give situation toward components or processes. And every character always has a Conscious choice to focus on the components or processes at any given moment. In other words, in a given situation, at each level of Mental Sex does a character center on the way things are or the way things are going? At each level is the character more interested in getting his or her ducks in a row or in a pond?
Finally, beyond all of these considerations is the cultural indoctrination we all receive that leads us to respond within social expectations appropriately to the role associated with our anatomical sex. These roles are fairly rigid and include what is proper to wear, who speaks first, who opens the door or order the wine, who has to pretend to be inept where and skilled where else (regardless of real ability or lack there of in that area), the form of grammar one uses in constructing sentences, the words one is expected to use (“I’ll take a hamburger,” vs. “I’d like a salad”), and the demeanor allowable in social interaction with the same and the opposite sex, among many other qualities.
In the end, writing characters of the opposite sex requires a commitment to understand the difference between those qualities which are inherent and those which are learned, and to accept that we are all made of the same clay, but just sculpt it in different ways.
For more depth and detail, consider the 3-hour program “Writing Characters of the Opposite Sex,” available on audio CD or audio cassette at http://store.yahoo.com/dramatica/writcharofop.html
Writers write. You shouldn't wait around for inspiration to come. But sometimes, there are days you can't get anything written down. Or you're at a loss for words. You can't think of anything to write. You don't have any idea what to write about.
And then you end up believing you're having writer's block.
You end up believing it too much that you stop writing altogether. You might even think of yourself as not a real writer.
And all because of what? You think your muse deserted you? You think you have a 7-year writer's block plague?
Think again!
There's no such thing as writer's block. And you sure as heck don't need inspiration to write!
What you do need are prompts to help get your writer's mind working and your hands writing or typing.
I call these prompts SEEDS. They are your beginnings; the glimmer; the little sparks that you can shape and fashion into stories, articles, essays and features.
You don't need inspiration. All you need is an idea. A SEED.
And here are a dozen seeds you can try out for yourself --
1. The first typewriter was patented on July 23, 1829. Interview some of the writers in your group and find out how they write. You can develop this into a light- hearted articles about writers.
2. Many fictional characters are not fictional at all. Write about one real person who has been fictionalized.
3. Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 10 things to do when there's no power.
4. Pirates no longer just refer to the highwaymen of the seas. There are different breeds of pirates today. Write about today's pirates and what they're pirating.
5. Many words in the English language come from the names of people -- such as mesmerize (from Mesmer, a hypnotist). Find out more words from people's names and write the story behind the words.
6. The US Declaration of Independence begins with this line: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." Write you own Declaration of Independence by using the same line as your starting point.
7. How do you start a fan club? Write a how-to on organizing a fan club for a favorite author, singer, actor or sports figure.
8. How do planets die?
9. Expound or dispute this: "Where science ends, religion begins."
10. Take a look at your bookshelf. Pick one book and write a review of it.
11. How is privacy invaded on the Internet?
12. Write an article on how to choose a pet. Target your piece for kids aged 7-10.
Copyright © 2001 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta
And then you end up believing you're having writer's block.
You end up believing it too much that you stop writing altogether. You might even think of yourself as not a real writer.
And all because of what? You think your muse deserted you? You think you have a 7-year writer's block plague?
Think again!
There's no such thing as writer's block. And you sure as heck don't need inspiration to write!
What you do need are prompts to help get your writer's mind working and your hands writing or typing.
I call these prompts SEEDS. They are your beginnings; the glimmer; the little sparks that you can shape and fashion into stories, articles, essays and features.
You don't need inspiration. All you need is an idea. A SEED.
And here are a dozen seeds you can try out for yourself --
1. The first typewriter was patented on July 23, 1829. Interview some of the writers in your group and find out how they write. You can develop this into a light- hearted articles about writers.
2. Many fictional characters are not fictional at all. Write about one real person who has been fictionalized.
3. Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 10 things to do when there's no power.
4. Pirates no longer just refer to the highwaymen of the seas. There are different breeds of pirates today. Write about today's pirates and what they're pirating.
5. Many words in the English language come from the names of people -- such as mesmerize (from Mesmer, a hypnotist). Find out more words from people's names and write the story behind the words.
6. The US Declaration of Independence begins with this line: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." Write you own Declaration of Independence by using the same line as your starting point.
7. How do you start a fan club? Write a how-to on organizing a fan club for a favorite author, singer, actor or sports figure.
8. How do planets die?
9. Expound or dispute this: "Where science ends, religion begins."
10. Take a look at your bookshelf. Pick one book and write a review of it.
11. How is privacy invaded on the Internet?
12. Write an article on how to choose a pet. Target your piece for kids aged 7-10.
Copyright © 2001 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta
The Ultimate Inspiration for a Writer
From smoke and dirt to pollution and oil, it is amazing how much gunk
can collect on a window over time. I sit here in my office looking out
the window that appears to look the same as it did when it was new, but
wondering why it was always a gray overcast outside. I was just used to
the slow collection of crud so I never really noticed how opaque the
window was becoming. It took a lot of cleaner, four rags, and a lot of
elbow grease to make the window acceptably transparent again, but it'll
never be the same as it was when it was new.
Just as with the window, from birth, we all collect some level of gunk
on our souls. This gunk consists of misinformation, prejudices,
conflict, trauma, and myriad other experiences that layer over our
creative insides. These layers slowly change the way we see our world
by creating an opaque film over our soul's eye. With that we begin to
see the world in a way that we assume that it is and not necessarily in
a way that it truly exists. Our reality becomes tainted preventing us
from perusing and becoming everything that we could possibly become.
However, somehow we need to clean off that gunk to obtain a clear view
of life.
---Writing to Clear my Vision---
After 15 years of sharpening pencils and banging on the keyboard, I am
still amazed at the things that happen as I continue to write. In the
early days, I simply did it because it helped to pay the bills and it
was fun to see my books at the bookstore. But, as time passed, I began
to realize that the more I write, the more I learn about myself, and the
more layers that peel off of my soul.
I must say, that the most fulfilling experience I ever had as a writer
was the day that I saw my soul. To settle your doubts, it wasn't so
much a physical manifestation of a soul, but it was the automatic typing
of my fingers to create content so rich that I had to pinch myself to
see if it was still me. This bizarre, yet fulfilling, sensation pushed
me into an entirely different frame of mind and a sense of satisfaction
and self-belief like I had never known.
Pocket Muse: Ideas and Inspirations for... also see:
Pencil Dancing: New Ways to Free Your...
---Writing to Scratch the Surface---
Writing can take on many different shapes and sizes. Some write for
research. Some write for pleasure. Others write for money. But, at
the core of writing is the expression of one's inner being. It is an
outlet for the soul. A way for it to give so that it can dig its way out
of the layers of contradiction and goo that have piled on over the
Many books have been written about the act of keeping journals or
writing pages in the mornings to describe the first things that are in
your mind to clear the way for the remainder of the day. The idea
behind such practice writings is to begin to dig through years of muck
and mire to touch the ultimate writer within us. However, it is much
more than that. It is the release of our creative self that we all have
inside and provides us with guidance and direction through our lives.
---Writing to Touch the Soul---
The soul is that energy that keeps is alive and connected to the
Universe. It is the most basic part of our existence, but contains the
knowledge and emotion of the Universe. When you touch your soul, your
fingers take on a life of their own and you "feel" the things that you
must write. Whether you feel it as inspiration or some divine message,
it doesn't matter. It all boils down to the fact that you are connected
to your inner self and have punctured a hole through which the
inspiration can flow.
Once you touch your soul, your life will change. It's like a
chain-reaction that changes your outlook and your direction. You feel
what you are truly made of and find that you are capable of everything.
All of the challenges you've encountered throughout your life suddenly
transform into lessons.
The easiest way to begin the journey of self-discovery is to begin
writing. Don't write about the fly on the wall or the sunset. Write
what you feel. What is the first feeling that comes to you.
While your first few attempts will appear, perhaps, embarrassing, they
are simply a representation as to the way the soul's message is
translated through the years of experience piled on top of it. The
objective is to dig through the layers to reach your core. Just keep
writing. Every time you write, you'll find that the feeling you're
documenting becomes clearer and more intelligible.
---What's next?---
Whether your objective in life is to be a writer or not, the idea behind
writing is simply to touch your soul. It's no wonder so many people
live their lives in spiritual destitution. The creativity that ought to
fuel every thing in life is stifled. Don't starve your spirit. Learn
what creative gift the Universe has given you. Love it and care for it.
It's as important as the food you eat and the air you breathe as it is
what supports your life.
--- About the Author ---
Edward B. Toupin is an author, life-strategy coach, counselor, and
technical writer living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors
books and articles on topics ranging from career success through life
organization and fulfillment. For more information, e-mail Edward at
etoupin@t... or visit his sites at http://www.toupin.com or
can collect on a window over time. I sit here in my office looking out
the window that appears to look the same as it did when it was new, but
wondering why it was always a gray overcast outside. I was just used to
the slow collection of crud so I never really noticed how opaque the
window was becoming. It took a lot of cleaner, four rags, and a lot of
elbow grease to make the window acceptably transparent again, but it'll
never be the same as it was when it was new.
Just as with the window, from birth, we all collect some level of gunk
on our souls. This gunk consists of misinformation, prejudices,
conflict, trauma, and myriad other experiences that layer over our
creative insides. These layers slowly change the way we see our world
by creating an opaque film over our soul's eye. With that we begin to
see the world in a way that we assume that it is and not necessarily in
a way that it truly exists. Our reality becomes tainted preventing us
from perusing and becoming everything that we could possibly become.
However, somehow we need to clean off that gunk to obtain a clear view
of life.
---Writing to Clear my Vision---
After 15 years of sharpening pencils and banging on the keyboard, I am
still amazed at the things that happen as I continue to write. In the
early days, I simply did it because it helped to pay the bills and it
was fun to see my books at the bookstore. But, as time passed, I began
to realize that the more I write, the more I learn about myself, and the
more layers that peel off of my soul.
I must say, that the most fulfilling experience I ever had as a writer
was the day that I saw my soul. To settle your doubts, it wasn't so
much a physical manifestation of a soul, but it was the automatic typing
of my fingers to create content so rich that I had to pinch myself to
see if it was still me. This bizarre, yet fulfilling, sensation pushed
me into an entirely different frame of mind and a sense of satisfaction
and self-belief like I had never known.
Pocket Muse: Ideas and Inspirations for... also see:
Pencil Dancing: New Ways to Free Your...
---Writing to Scratch the Surface---
Writing can take on many different shapes and sizes. Some write for
research. Some write for pleasure. Others write for money. But, at
the core of writing is the expression of one's inner being. It is an
outlet for the soul. A way for it to give so that it can dig its way out
of the layers of contradiction and goo that have piled on over the
Many books have been written about the act of keeping journals or
writing pages in the mornings to describe the first things that are in
your mind to clear the way for the remainder of the day. The idea
behind such practice writings is to begin to dig through years of muck
and mire to touch the ultimate writer within us. However, it is much
more than that. It is the release of our creative self that we all have
inside and provides us with guidance and direction through our lives.
---Writing to Touch the Soul---
The soul is that energy that keeps is alive and connected to the
Universe. It is the most basic part of our existence, but contains the
knowledge and emotion of the Universe. When you touch your soul, your
fingers take on a life of their own and you "feel" the things that you
must write. Whether you feel it as inspiration or some divine message,
it doesn't matter. It all boils down to the fact that you are connected
to your inner self and have punctured a hole through which the
inspiration can flow.
Once you touch your soul, your life will change. It's like a
chain-reaction that changes your outlook and your direction. You feel
what you are truly made of and find that you are capable of everything.
All of the challenges you've encountered throughout your life suddenly
transform into lessons.
The easiest way to begin the journey of self-discovery is to begin
writing. Don't write about the fly on the wall or the sunset. Write
what you feel. What is the first feeling that comes to you.
While your first few attempts will appear, perhaps, embarrassing, they
are simply a representation as to the way the soul's message is
translated through the years of experience piled on top of it. The
objective is to dig through the layers to reach your core. Just keep
writing. Every time you write, you'll find that the feeling you're
documenting becomes clearer and more intelligible.
---What's next?---
Whether your objective in life is to be a writer or not, the idea behind
writing is simply to touch your soul. It's no wonder so many people
live their lives in spiritual destitution. The creativity that ought to
fuel every thing in life is stifled. Don't starve your spirit. Learn
what creative gift the Universe has given you. Love it and care for it.
It's as important as the food you eat and the air you breathe as it is
what supports your life.
--- About the Author ---
Edward B. Toupin is an author, life-strategy coach, counselor, and
technical writer living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors
books and articles on topics ranging from career success through life
organization and fulfillment. For more information, e-mail Edward at
etoupin@t... or visit his sites at http://www.toupin.com or
How to write believable Characters
First recognize that different genres of fiction have different needs. A tightly plotted action or suspense thriller may not need characters fleshed out in detail as much as a literary novel. Also be aware that the more outlandish your plot is, the more important character believability becomes. Read any Steven King book and you'll see this. The reason he can take us on these journeys through strange and unusual events is his power to create realistic characters. When we believe the character, we believe what's happening to them.
The process of creating characters is so varied I suspect there are as many methods as there are authors. As always, take these tips as guidelines- not law. Every writer must do what works for him or her. These ideas will hopefully serve as a springboard to get you on your way.Here's how I create my characters:
* Step 1- Consider the story. In general the more my emphasis rest on the plot of the book, the more my characters need to serve that plot. If the story focus is more character based then my plot needs to serve the character.
If I need a character that will chase down a killer then I
better design someone who's able to do that. Everything from their build to their psychology must help them get to the killer. Now it's important not to make the character a perfect fit. No one is perfect, that's what makes life interesting. Your characters should have flaws that make it uncomfortable for them to reach their goal.
For example the character chasing the killer might have a wife and family that worry about his safety. This creates tension- tension
drives story.
When constructing a more literary work then the character
should be in mind already, and the plot forms around them. For
example- a coming of age story requires a young character who will
experience events that will shape their life. If you don't have
those elements you don't have a coming of age story- so your plot
must support your character.
* Step 2- Get to know your character. I like to use a form that
looks like an extensive dossier when I create my characters. For
supporting characters the dossier is smaller, but still quite
detailed. Design one for yourself and be sure to include details
• The character's appearance.
• Their habits and mannerisms.
• Their motivations.
• Their past.
• How the character will change in the course of the story.
Don't make the mistake of assuming the bad guys don't need
as much character detail- they do, particularly in motivation. Sure
a story about a killer is suspenseful and scary, but if you have a
killer who murders because he sees his abusive father in every
victim, well- that's a little richer. Remember- the bad guys have
motivations that seem good to them. Hitler thought he was a nice guy-
your bad guy should too.
When you finish your dossier you may want to get creative
with it. I've spent time leafing through old magazines until I find
a picture of someone who reminds me of my character. I cut the
picture out and paste it to the dossier. Somehow this makes the
person seem real in my mind. I can think of them as a human rather
than a construction when I see an actual face.
* Step 3- Interview your character. Don't let your family see you do
this or they'll call the guys with the butterfly nets. You need to
sit down at the keyboard or with your notepad and interview these
characters. Ask them all kinds of questions about the story and
their lives. Why do you need to do this? Because it helps you iron
out the wrinkles in your character's construction. If you interview
your character and they reveal a motivation that just seems weak to
you- great. Now you have a chance to fix it before writing hundreds
of pages.
* Step 4- Introducing you character. When you finally sit down to
write you'll wonder how you go about introducing your character. A
few points to consider:
• Introduce them at a moment of change in their lives. Don't show
how your character was born and raised in intricate detail- jump
into their lives at the moment something dramatic happens. Instead
of beginning your story "He was born at 2:34am in Lakeview
hospital," you can begin like this- "Marvin had never killed anyone
before. Looking down at the body at his feet he wondered if it would
be the last time." Whoa! Much more interesting, eh?
• "Show, don't tell," still applies. Try to show your character's
nature rather than tell about it. The exception is minor characters.
You can use some short exposition to explain your minor characters
just to get them moving fast. You don't want to spend a large chunk
of text describing the Boy Scout who helps Granny walk across the
street- and your reader doesn't either. Just give enough information
about the kid to get Granny across the street- then go back to
Granny's life.
• Some authors go for the bullet approach. Decide if it's right for
you. The bullet approach works like this- when a character is
introduced the story stops briefly and the author spends some time
writing expository information that gives the reader everything they
need to know about the character. This works for some writers- but I
don't recommend it. For one thing fiction has to be hyper-realistic.
In real life we don't get to know people all at once like that. It's
a gradual discovery. Consider your story and consider what other
authors in your genre are doing and decide for yourself.
That's the basic recipe for character creation. I hope it
helps you get your characters off the ground and running. Remember-
characters are the building blocks of story- don't forget to spend
time on them before you dive into your first draft. You'll be glad
you did.
Jeff Heisler is a freelance writer and editor of Write Away.
Read more of Jeff's writing articles at
The process of creating characters is so varied I suspect there are as many methods as there are authors. As always, take these tips as guidelines- not law. Every writer must do what works for him or her. These ideas will hopefully serve as a springboard to get you on your way.Here's how I create my characters:
* Step 1- Consider the story. In general the more my emphasis rest on the plot of the book, the more my characters need to serve that plot. If the story focus is more character based then my plot needs to serve the character.
If I need a character that will chase down a killer then I
better design someone who's able to do that. Everything from their build to their psychology must help them get to the killer. Now it's important not to make the character a perfect fit. No one is perfect, that's what makes life interesting. Your characters should have flaws that make it uncomfortable for them to reach their goal.
For example the character chasing the killer might have a wife and family that worry about his safety. This creates tension- tension
drives story.
When constructing a more literary work then the character
should be in mind already, and the plot forms around them. For
example- a coming of age story requires a young character who will
experience events that will shape their life. If you don't have
those elements you don't have a coming of age story- so your plot
must support your character.
* Step 2- Get to know your character. I like to use a form that
looks like an extensive dossier when I create my characters. For
supporting characters the dossier is smaller, but still quite
detailed. Design one for yourself and be sure to include details
• The character's appearance.
• Their habits and mannerisms.
• Their motivations.
• Their past.
• How the character will change in the course of the story.
Don't make the mistake of assuming the bad guys don't need
as much character detail- they do, particularly in motivation. Sure
a story about a killer is suspenseful and scary, but if you have a
killer who murders because he sees his abusive father in every
victim, well- that's a little richer. Remember- the bad guys have
motivations that seem good to them. Hitler thought he was a nice guy-
your bad guy should too.
When you finish your dossier you may want to get creative
with it. I've spent time leafing through old magazines until I find
a picture of someone who reminds me of my character. I cut the
picture out and paste it to the dossier. Somehow this makes the
person seem real in my mind. I can think of them as a human rather
than a construction when I see an actual face.
* Step 3- Interview your character. Don't let your family see you do
this or they'll call the guys with the butterfly nets. You need to
sit down at the keyboard or with your notepad and interview these
characters. Ask them all kinds of questions about the story and
their lives. Why do you need to do this? Because it helps you iron
out the wrinkles in your character's construction. If you interview
your character and they reveal a motivation that just seems weak to
you- great. Now you have a chance to fix it before writing hundreds
of pages.
* Step 4- Introducing you character. When you finally sit down to
write you'll wonder how you go about introducing your character. A
few points to consider:
• Introduce them at a moment of change in their lives. Don't show
how your character was born and raised in intricate detail- jump
into their lives at the moment something dramatic happens. Instead
of beginning your story "He was born at 2:34am in Lakeview
hospital," you can begin like this- "Marvin had never killed anyone
before. Looking down at the body at his feet he wondered if it would
be the last time." Whoa! Much more interesting, eh?
• "Show, don't tell," still applies. Try to show your character's
nature rather than tell about it. The exception is minor characters.
You can use some short exposition to explain your minor characters
just to get them moving fast. You don't want to spend a large chunk
of text describing the Boy Scout who helps Granny walk across the
street- and your reader doesn't either. Just give enough information
about the kid to get Granny across the street- then go back to
Granny's life.
• Some authors go for the bullet approach. Decide if it's right for
you. The bullet approach works like this- when a character is
introduced the story stops briefly and the author spends some time
writing expository information that gives the reader everything they
need to know about the character. This works for some writers- but I
don't recommend it. For one thing fiction has to be hyper-realistic.
In real life we don't get to know people all at once like that. It's
a gradual discovery. Consider your story and consider what other
authors in your genre are doing and decide for yourself.
That's the basic recipe for character creation. I hope it
helps you get your characters off the ground and running. Remember-
characters are the building blocks of story- don't forget to spend
time on them before you dive into your first draft. You'll be glad
you did.
Jeff Heisler is a freelance writer and editor of Write Away.
Read more of Jeff's writing articles at
12 Exercises for Improving Dialogue
Dialogue is one of the most difficult aspects of writing to master. There are many pitfalls you must try to avoid, such as:
Stilted language
Dialogue that does not sound like natural speech.
Dialogue that does not further the scene and does not deepen your
understanding of the characters.
Dialogue that has the character explain the plot or repeat information
for the benefit of the audience.
Having one character use another character’s name to establish identity.
People almost never say other people’s names back to them, and if they do it
is a character trait typical of a used car salesman.
Overuse of Modifiers
Too many dialogue modifiers such as shouted, exclaimed,
cried, whispered, stammered, opined, insinuated,
hedged and a million others. Modifiers such as this can sometimes be
useful, but are often annoying and used as a crutch for poorly designed
Here are a few exercises to help you master dialogue as a tool for writing:
1. Write down the things you say over the course of the day. Examine your own speech patterns. You don’t have to get every word, but you may find that you say less than you think and that your statements are surprisingly short. You might also find that you rarely speak in complete sentences.
2. Find a crowded place such as a restaurant, a bar, or a shopping mall and write down snippets of the conversations you hear. Avoid trying to record whole conversations, just follow along for a brief exchange and then listen for your next target. If you are worried about looking suspicious, you might want to purchase a Palm Pilot, Handspring Visor or other hand-held PDA device. These handy spy tools make it look like you are conducting business or playing with your favorite electronic toy rather than eavesdropping.
3. Test responses to the same question. Think of a question that will require at least a little thought, and ask it of several different people. Compare their responses. Remember that you are focused on their words. Write them down as soon as you can.
4. Record several different TV shows. Some choices include: sitcom, news, drama, talk show, infomercial, sporting event, etc.). Write down a transcript using just the dialogue and people’s names. If you don’t know the names, just use a description such as announcer or redheaded woman. You can also transcribe two shows of the same genre, using one show you like and one you dislike. Compare dialogue between the fiction and non-fiction programming you recorded. Look for such things as greetings, descriptions of physical actions, complete sentences, slang, verbal ticks (Such as like, you know, uhhhh, well, etc.). Compare how these dialogue crutches change according to the show format and quality.
5. Rewrite one or more of the shows in exercise 4 as prose, trying to recreate the show as accurately as possible. Note how easy or difficult it is to work in the entire dialogue from the show. Does it seem to flow naturally and read well or does it get in your way. Rewrite again eliminating any dialogue you feel is unnecessary. Try not to change any dialogue though until your final draft. Work with what you have. Remember that you don’t necessarily have to rewrite the whole show. Do enough to be sure you have the feeling for it.
6. Rewrite one of the the transcripts from exercise 4 using as much of the dialogue as possible, but changing the scene in as many ways as possible. Change the setting, change the people’s intent, and change the tone. See how easy or difficult it is to give the same words a different intent. Again, do enough to be sure you have the feeling for it.
7. Write the dialogue for a scene without using any modifiers. Just write down a conversation as it goes along naturally. After you have completed the dialogue, add narrative description, but not dialogue tags such as said, shouted or ordered. Instead, try to work the dialogue into the action as a logical progression of the statements. Finally, add any dialogue tags that are absolutely necessary, and keep them simple such as said, told, or asked. Again, only put them in if you can find not other options. Compare this to the previous dialogue you have written and see what you like or dislike about the changes.
8. Write a scene in which one person tells another person a story. Make sure that you write it as a dialogue and not just a first person narrative, but clearly have one person telling the story and the other person listening and asking questions or making comments. The purpose of this scene will be both to have the story stand alone as a subject, and to have the characters’ reactions to the story be the focal point of the scene.
9. Write a scene in which one person is listening to two other people have an argument or discussion. For example, a child listening to her parents argue about money. Have the third character narrate the argument and explain what is going on, but have the other two provide the entire dialogue. It is not necessary to have the narrator understand the argument completely. Miscommunication is a major aspect of dialogue.
10. Write a conversation between two liars. Give everything they say a double or triple meaning. Never state or indicate through outside description that these two people are lying. Let the reader figure it out strictly from the dialogue. Try not to be obvious, such as having one person accuse the other of lying. That is too easy.
11. Write a conversation in which no character speaks more than three words per line of dialogue. Again, avoid crutches such as explaining everything they say through narration. Use your narration to enhance the scene, not explain the dialogue.
12. Write a narrative or scripted scene in which several characters are taking an active role in the conversation. This can be a difficult aspect of dialogue to master, because with each additional character, the reader or audience must be able to keep track of the motivations and interests of the individuals involved. This can be especially difficult in prose, where the time between one character speaking and the next can be interrupted by action or description. See how many characters your can sustain within the scene and still have it make sense and be engaging.
Stilted language
Dialogue that does not sound like natural speech.
Dialogue that does not further the scene and does not deepen your
understanding of the characters.
Dialogue that has the character explain the plot or repeat information
for the benefit of the audience.
Having one character use another character’s name to establish identity.
People almost never say other people’s names back to them, and if they do it
is a character trait typical of a used car salesman.
Overuse of Modifiers
Too many dialogue modifiers such as shouted, exclaimed,
cried, whispered, stammered, opined, insinuated,
hedged and a million others. Modifiers such as this can sometimes be
useful, but are often annoying and used as a crutch for poorly designed
Here are a few exercises to help you master dialogue as a tool for writing:
1. Write down the things you say over the course of the day. Examine your own speech patterns. You don’t have to get every word, but you may find that you say less than you think and that your statements are surprisingly short. You might also find that you rarely speak in complete sentences.
2. Find a crowded place such as a restaurant, a bar, or a shopping mall and write down snippets of the conversations you hear. Avoid trying to record whole conversations, just follow along for a brief exchange and then listen for your next target. If you are worried about looking suspicious, you might want to purchase a Palm Pilot, Handspring Visor or other hand-held PDA device. These handy spy tools make it look like you are conducting business or playing with your favorite electronic toy rather than eavesdropping.
3. Test responses to the same question. Think of a question that will require at least a little thought, and ask it of several different people. Compare their responses. Remember that you are focused on their words. Write them down as soon as you can.
4. Record several different TV shows. Some choices include: sitcom, news, drama, talk show, infomercial, sporting event, etc.). Write down a transcript using just the dialogue and people’s names. If you don’t know the names, just use a description such as announcer or redheaded woman. You can also transcribe two shows of the same genre, using one show you like and one you dislike. Compare dialogue between the fiction and non-fiction programming you recorded. Look for such things as greetings, descriptions of physical actions, complete sentences, slang, verbal ticks (Such as like, you know, uhhhh, well, etc.). Compare how these dialogue crutches change according to the show format and quality.
5. Rewrite one or more of the shows in exercise 4 as prose, trying to recreate the show as accurately as possible. Note how easy or difficult it is to work in the entire dialogue from the show. Does it seem to flow naturally and read well or does it get in your way. Rewrite again eliminating any dialogue you feel is unnecessary. Try not to change any dialogue though until your final draft. Work with what you have. Remember that you don’t necessarily have to rewrite the whole show. Do enough to be sure you have the feeling for it.
6. Rewrite one of the the transcripts from exercise 4 using as much of the dialogue as possible, but changing the scene in as many ways as possible. Change the setting, change the people’s intent, and change the tone. See how easy or difficult it is to give the same words a different intent. Again, do enough to be sure you have the feeling for it.
7. Write the dialogue for a scene without using any modifiers. Just write down a conversation as it goes along naturally. After you have completed the dialogue, add narrative description, but not dialogue tags such as said, shouted or ordered. Instead, try to work the dialogue into the action as a logical progression of the statements. Finally, add any dialogue tags that are absolutely necessary, and keep them simple such as said, told, or asked. Again, only put them in if you can find not other options. Compare this to the previous dialogue you have written and see what you like or dislike about the changes.
8. Write a scene in which one person tells another person a story. Make sure that you write it as a dialogue and not just a first person narrative, but clearly have one person telling the story and the other person listening and asking questions or making comments. The purpose of this scene will be both to have the story stand alone as a subject, and to have the characters’ reactions to the story be the focal point of the scene.
9. Write a scene in which one person is listening to two other people have an argument or discussion. For example, a child listening to her parents argue about money. Have the third character narrate the argument and explain what is going on, but have the other two provide the entire dialogue. It is not necessary to have the narrator understand the argument completely. Miscommunication is a major aspect of dialogue.
10. Write a conversation between two liars. Give everything they say a double or triple meaning. Never state or indicate through outside description that these two people are lying. Let the reader figure it out strictly from the dialogue. Try not to be obvious, such as having one person accuse the other of lying. That is too easy.
11. Write a conversation in which no character speaks more than three words per line of dialogue. Again, avoid crutches such as explaining everything they say through narration. Use your narration to enhance the scene, not explain the dialogue.
12. Write a narrative or scripted scene in which several characters are taking an active role in the conversation. This can be a difficult aspect of dialogue to master, because with each additional character, the reader or audience must be able to keep track of the motivations and interests of the individuals involved. This can be especially difficult in prose, where the time between one character speaking and the next can be interrupted by action or description. See how many characters your can sustain within the scene and still have it make sense and be engaging.
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